
As regards 3D navigation, ---- in fact navigation in general, as I've said, i'm probably the worst person you meet, with a biological cause sinse I was born prematurely and suffered brain damage which has resulted in me having an attrocious sense of spacial coordination and balance.

Frequently I'll see something or hit it with my cane, ---- but stil walk into it becauwse my ability to judge distance is so bad. i also find rotional exercises absolutely awful.

How I manage in 3D games however, is much the same way I manage in actual life, ---- and perhaps it's a method which would help others.

i physically don't even try to mentally map where I am going, or where the relation betwene places is. I simply remember landmarks and sets of directions.

thus in shades of doom, if there is a T junction, I'll mark the passage I came up, and the passage I go down, ---- then leave the other unmarked. i thus only have to remember occasions where the path forks, and where there is more than one choice of direction, --- -then mark those, and remember the choice I took.

when I've finished down one passage, I retrace my steps until i find something I've not yet explored, ---- and try that.

also, i make extensive use of the navigation features, and use the various sizes of chamber as land marks, ---- as well as the audio kews around, ---- and (in sarah), the names of the rooms.

Yes, this method is bizarre, and yes I sometimes get lost, ---- but it does work for me quite a lot of the time.

It's also how I remember routes in real life, ---- not by remembering actual directions, but by simply memorizing lists of land marks and what I should do, ---- eg, turn right when i get to the tactile paving, ---- or when i can smell a certain coffee shop.

the one game this uttelry fails in is monkey business, firstly because your running around all over the place looking for those bloody monkies and often end up getting lost catching them, --, secondly because the areas in the game seem far more open than in something like shades, and thirdly (and probably most importantly), i find the navigation keys in monkey business distinctly unreliable, and not great at showing the environment or highlighting objects around you.

just my thoughts.

Beware the grue!


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