The sad part is hey are not uneducated about disabled people but topics in
general. I have been following the game board there for some time and it is
amazing how a bunch of kids can be so ignorant about all kinds of stuff.
And like I said they come up with stuff like "yeah why would anyone without
sight want to even play regular games, that would be like a deaf person
playing rock band, bla bla".
Scary that these kids will one day run all of our countries... lol I should
of asked who over there wants to get their sighted butts kicked in a match
of tekken by a blind person. I was on both sides of the fence, not being
born blind but later in life, but never would I have reacted with nothing
but curiousity or if anything with respect for gamers who are so dedicated
that they take the time to master a game like that dude did with Zelda.

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