hmmm well I wouldn't be prepaired to pay for a text only game.
though right now your system would be ahead of entombed there is the expantion 
creation program thats coming out at some point but right now you have the 
Ofcause with the currency I need to choose what I buy, and that means I really 
need to decide if I want it and if its more of the same.
or if its easier to borrow it or play it somewhere else, etc which is sometimes 
what I do.
Though I wouldn't buy a text game I'd happily play it.
the game books at ffproject have the site control the dice roles and other 
I probably wouldn't pay for that.
even now entombed demo is not my full life and sometimes that can even bore me.
a old style text game would rock maybe with a few sfx for events, battles, etc.
no music, maybe some generic ambience for things though not to much to override 
heck I'd even accept a tads html game like this.
At 04:58 p.m. 5/05/2010, you wrote:
>Hello gamers,
>As many of you might remember several months ago I began designing a
>gamebook style roll playing game called Legends of Etherea. When I
>originally drafted the plans for the game it was to be a text based
>gamebook adventure system very much in the spirit of Dungeons and
>Dragons using similar rules, classes, races, etc.  While the game's
>story and map isn't yet complete it was going to have various towns,
>cities, forests, and dungeons to explore. However, over the past
>couple of months I am growing concerned that this style of game isn't
>something that would do well financially. Especially, since the
>release of Entombed.
>Basically, what I am aiming at is over the last few years graphical
>roll playing games like Final Fantasy and Xenogears have become hugely
>successful titles all but making the old text based interactive
>fiction systems that I personally like seam like a joke to most
>mainstream gamers.  Now, I'm beginning to see the same thing happening
>more or less to the accessible games market as well. It is like why
>bother playing text based roguelike games like Nethack or ADOM when
>you can start up Entombed and wander around a dungeon doing basically
>the same thing complete with Sapi support, sounds, and music.  I can't
>help but feel that Entombed has just raised the expectations of any
>new and future roll playing games to new heights. Its like who would
>pay $35 for a text only roll playing game when you can purchase
>Entombed for $40 which comes complete with sounds, music, Sapi
>support, etc. It makes the idea of writing and selling text only roll
>playing games seam laughable. So I can't help but feel like the time
>for text based games of any kind have just gone the way of the
>Earlier tonight when I was going through my e-mail there was a post
>from Michael on the Heroes of Ardania thread. He asked if the game
>came complete with sounds and music. That really got me thinking about
>my own project. It seams that justabout everyone now expects sounds,
>music, and if the player is sighted, killer graphics, to make a game
>worth their time.  Otherwise the game is considered to be inferior to
>the games with graphics and sounds. So the question is how many of you
>still actually like text based games like me, and how many would be
>willing to pay for such a game?
>understand I'm not necessarily against games like Entombed, I could
>create something like that, of course, but I also have a good idea how
>financially and emotionally exhausting such a title would be to me
>personally. It would take ten times longer and be ten times harder to
>create just because I'd have to purchase more sound packs, license
>music, program all the extra code for sound, speech, menus, whatever.
>So I don't know that I'm up for anything that complicated at the
>moment, but I could do it if it were more financially successful. So
>I'd like to hear your thoughts. What do you expect, like, etc in a
>roll playing game for the computer?
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