Yes!! Games aren't just for kids.. We began with the gaming revolution and allot of us are serious gamers.. I won't state my age, but Michael Jackson's thriller video was the biggest thing when I was around 9 or 10!! By the way, that was the beginning of the music video revolution.. So, great job USA Games and to all who try hard to expand the audio game community, just know this, more than just kids who watch Sponge Bob play the games.. LOL ----- Original Message ----- From: "Thomas Ward" <>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2010 2:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Future of Audio Games

That's the spirit, and i know exactly how you feel. That's been my
experience with the entire audio games scene as well, and why I
started USA Games.  I have both the programming knowledge and the
background experience to produce more serious minded games for an
adult oriented gaming market.
To be honest some of the accessible games out there are a bit childish
for one reason or another.  Usually it isn't the game itself that is
childish but some of the stupid sound effects that are somewhat
cartoonish or silly sounding. I don't know if it is just me but when I
hear cartoonish sounds in an accessible  game  I can't help but feel
it makes us all look as imature half whits or something. We need to
take our game development serious and stop using silly or childish
sounds in games.

On 5/23/10, key stone <> wrote:
My first audio game was Battle ship back in 2000, after losing my eye sight I was going crazy knowing this market was available; although I'm grateful for the audio game market my thirst for gaming hasn't been quenched; I was a
Madden, NBA Live, Tyson punch out, Die Hard, Mortal Combat ect...player;
Audio games tends to stick to kids type games, and not more adult/real life
games like GTA or even Star Wars; Allot of us have been around since the
start of the gaming revolution and has played systems such as Coleco vision, Atari, Sega and Nintendo, and has played hundreds of games; I know and hope audio games will pick up it's pace as technology improves, but I anxiously
wait for some more serious game titles that will expand the adult audio
gamers mind and appetite. I would love to fly that fighter jet again, go on realistic adventures without goblins and ghost's, and seriously play a good
Football game and finally lead my EAGLES to The Super Bowl..LOL.. Thanks
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