
Right, but at the same stroke you take all the challenge out of
jumping that trap. If you walk up to a fire pit, hear a ledge, jump,
safely cross the trap, and do it again what's the point of the trap at
all? Why not just take all the traps out of the game since they
present no difficulty for the player at all?

Keep in mind I'm use to mainstream games where traps are extremely
difficult. being able to see them means nothing. Take the trap door in
Tomb Raider Underworld for a moment.

There is a room in Tomb Raider Underworld where you have to turn this
large wheel that opens a trap door in the ceiling. After the trap door
is open you have to run over to the wall and climb up it to escape
through the trap door. Problem is that the trap door is on a timer and
if you aren't fast enoughk very fast, the door will come down and lock
you in the room or if you are unlucky enough to be in the doorway when
it closes Lora Croft ends up getting smashed like a bug. Either way
the trap is pretty difficult to get passsed and to date I haven't seen
any accessible game, including my own, offer this level of difficulty.


On 11/4/10, Matheus <an...@bol.com.br> wrote:
> hi phil. i agree, there's no point in having a fire or other trap
> without warnings, since it's not even fun to jump it, i mean, if you're
> going to need to take a step, press v.. fire pit: 2 meters away.
> two more steps: fire pit: 1 meters away. one more step! oh yeaaah, 0
> meters! then you go a bit to the right and see that there's a new one,
> and the same process happens again.
> having the sound to indicate when you must jump is the best solution, at
> least that's what i think. or designing a different method to indicate
> it.

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