this sounds amazing!

I've always felt the ui in time of conflict is probably the best example of a map overview I've ever seen in an accessible game.

I've beaten the computer on a few skill levels, and have just been waiting in the wings for more units, scenarios and other options to turn up.

So, this sounds amazing, and I'll deffinately be looking forward to it's release.

Beware the Grue!

----- Original Message ----- From: "Christopher Bartlett" <>
To: "'Gamers Discussion list'" <>
Sent: Monday, December 06, 2010 11:59 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] Something incredible in the pipeline.

Over on the GMA games list, I asked a question about a delayed release for
the update of Time of Conflict. We were expecting a release this fall, with
some nifty new unit types and some increased control over scenario design.

Well kids, David Greenwood is in process of producing a monster update that
looks, from the description like we will be able to create and play
arbitrarily complex combat simulations from any era, with user-definable
unit types.  I'm finally going to be able to design and play my Gettysburg
battle scenario that I've thought about for years, as well as Midway,
Guadalcanal, and possibly even theater-wide simulations such as Korea.

For this old-school war-gamer, this looks like the Holy Grail, a game with
sufficient complexity and flexibility to match the best of the board games
for sighted people, and even play well in the sighted strategic simulations

David has already made the user interface break-throughs that make such a
sprawling game possible.  Now that he' adding in such user flexibility,
there is literally no limit other than your computer's power and your
imagination to what simulations you can create.

I forgot to mention, there will be multi-player for up to 5 players for
those who want to compete against humans.

In the interests of full disclosure, I have no financial connection with
GMA, and this message was not solicited by anyone, I'm just that excited.

Finally, he posted a call for folk interested in designing unit sets to
contact him.  I think he'd like to release some pre-created unit sets for
scenario design when the game comes out.  He states that it won' involve
programming, just text editing.  Since he liked my prototype for GMA Tank
Commander mission 5 enough to use elements from it, I am hoping to join in
this team.  I'd like to create some Napoleonic and/or Civil War era unit
sets for him.

Did I mention that I am phenomenally excited about all this? I think that if he delivers on what he is saying, it will be a break-through event in the
audio gaming market.  Other developers may wish to examine some of his
inte3rface choices if they wish to take on such a task.

               Christopher Bartlett *bounce* *bounce* *bounce*

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