Then let me apologise also. I definitely did not mean that blind people merely push a series of buttons at random and wait for something to magically work, rather what I meant was that the threshold that you as a blind gamer must cross in order to get some enjoyment out of the game in question is too high for most people including myself. I, for one, am not a patient person. I could never sit for hours on end and learn the levels by heart, nor could I justify the investment if all I am going to get out of it is maybe half or in some cases 75 % of the satisfaction that a sighted person might gain from playing the same title. Understand that these figures are nothing but guesses, and should be taken as such. What I am trying to say is that for me personally, it does not make sense to fork out hundreds of dollars if the games are not going to meet the specifications I listed in my earlier email. And you are right, there are currently few, if any mainstream game development companies who take accessibility into consideration. But I would rather fight the issue on that score than attempt to play complex games where I lack a lot of information etc that is vital for full enjoyment of the product.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
----- Original Message ----- From: "Yohandy" <>
To: <>; "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2011 9:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] my frustration with the blind gaming comunity.

when I said unrealistic, I was referring to the fact that no developer is
ever going to cater to them. so if you're waiting for such a video game to
come out, you'll be waiting for a very long time. Also my email wasn't
intended to sound accusatory in any way. I'm just a bit frustrated with the
community as a whole and most people's unwillingness to even try some of
these games out simply because it's way easier to assume they can't play
them. It wasn't personal or anything, and I apologize if it seemed that way
to you. I'd like to also point out that we don't play games simply based on
memory alone. yes we memorize menus, moves etc, but the way you put it it
sounds as if we just button mash and hope for the best. Like any average
sighted person, these games require practice and skill as well to actually
complete, and being blind has nothing to do with how well a blind person
plays the game. A sighted person doesn't just magically know all the combos
and is automatically good at a particular game, they also need to practice.
sometimes for months, to get good at a game on a competitive level.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Philip Bennefall" <>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2011 3:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] my frustration with the blind gaming comunity.

I wish you would discuss these things in a less accusing fashion. I tried
to figure the game out for a couple of weeks, perhaps three, which is more
than enough time for me to conclude whether I feel it is worth my time or
not. Second, what is there unrealistic in those specifications? I wish to
play games that I can actually enjoy to their full potential, not attempt
to play by trial and error and learning how to complete each task by memory
rather than skill.

Please do not get me wrong, I am very interested in discussing mainstream
games with you, and I am sure others on this list are as well, but the way
in which you approach the subject is not one that makes for good
discussion. Your message sounds overly harsh, as though you are saying
that you know more about anything game related than those who do not play
video games for one reason or another, and that those poor souls are
dreadfully ignorant. Again I don't mean to sound harsh in my turn but this
is the way that your message strikes me.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
----- Original Message -----
From: "Yohandy" <>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2011 9:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] my frustration with the blind gaming comunity.

SO since you didn't have much success with mainstream gaming when you were
younger, you just assumed ok I can't play this? you gave up, just like
you never considered trying the game for a while and try to figure things
out? also I'm sorry to say, but you'll never find a mainstream game that
caters to your extremely unrealistic specifications.

From: "Philip Bennefall" <>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2011 2:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] my frustration with the blind gaming comunity.

Hi Yohandy,

I pretty much feel the same way as a lot of other people on this list. If
the game is not accessible enough to allow me to play without sighted
assistance, or requires me to learn everything by heart such as all menu
options etc before I can even begin, I quite frankly have no interest in
it. I did my fare share of controller punching myself when I was younger
just because I liked the sounds and wanted to experience a fraction of
what my friends were talking about all the time. I didn't have much
success, but that does not mean I have no interest. Tell me a game that I
can read the manual fore, install, run, and play without requiring any
help from someone sighted, and also that will not run me 300 dollars for
console and 40/50 for the game, and I will be more than happy to play.
I am not willing to buy a console just because I might, with trial and
error, be able to win a few times after countless attempts and
That is a sacrifice that I feel is not only huge, but fruitless.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
----- Original Message -----
From: "Yohandy" <>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2011 7:12 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] my frustration with the blind gaming comunity.

Hey guys,
   Ok I'm gonna go ahead and say it. I find myself getting extremely
frustrated with the blind gaming community. Why you ask? ok here goes.
sure you guys have noticed I've been putting up some rock band samples
you've also noticed Clement has been putting up some street fighter IV
samples and various other samples. So why is it that when we ask for
feedback or comments on these samples we work hard to create, people
either ignore us completely, or the same 3 or 4 people are the ones to
always respond? well you know what I think the reason for that is? simply
that the games we post about are mainstream games, not audio games. I've
noticed that when a new audio game comes out, even if it's the most
simplistic game in existence, everyone's all jumping to download it
immediately and there are threads that span hundreds of messages on the
subject. But when we post something having to do with console games, the
thread dies in a matter of hours. I'm sure Clement has been feeling this
frustration as well. it's been leaking through in his emails to the list
even if he hasn't mentioned it outright. So my question is this: what
we do to get you guys interested in something other than topspeed 3, or
other audio game for that matter? don't you guys have that spark of
curiosity to find out everything there is to find about video games? why
everyone ignoring these games outright? This community has hundreds of
members, and only a very limited amount of people even talk about
games. it's all audio games, audio games, and more audio games. there's
much more out there for you to find guys. how can you call yourself a
when you aren't even willing to download the files Clement and I put up
at least listen to what these games have to offer? Whenever I put up a
band sample, I get like 4 or 5 downloads at most. however I rarely get
feedback. I think you guys are just shoving these files in your hard
and don't even take a listen. if you do, then you have the curiosity of a
robot. I don't know about Clement, but I'm not planning on putting
else up. What's the point? no one seems to care what we have to say, or
any curiosity about console gaming. you guys just keep playing your audio
games and keep your closed-minded mentality about game accessibility in
general. If you think I'm taking things too far, consider this: remember
when Clement and I had that little Street Fighter seminar? I finally
that people finally had some interest in what we had to say and in the
and such. we got some really good questions, and over all had a really
time. but once that seminar ended, what do you think happened? That's
absolutely nothing. people basically were like oh ok, that game had
sounds and music and such. ok back to playing some tank commander. at
that's how I feel personally. it was fun as a spur of the moment thing.
let me ask you this. how many of you, after listening to that seminar
over to gamestop and bought a copy of Street Fighter? or even go to a
friend's house and try the game out? My guess is 0. ok rant over. I know
this email is a mess lol, but it's just basically me writing down my
as they come to mind. take from it what you will. for those of us serious
about gaming, we need to get together and figure where we should take it
from here. Do we give up, or keep trying? I'm pretty tired of trying  my
self when everyone's resisting to be honest. Good day everyone.

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