Hi clemment.

Originally, back in the 80's and 90's, The term beat em ups applied to any game with large sprites where you smacked other people in.

This split into what were called walk along beat em ups, ie, final fight, streets of rage, golden axe etc, and one on one, ie, street fighter, mortal combat, virtua fighter.

The 2D walk along beat em ups I actually used to enjoy quite a bit more than some of the one on one ones,because of the chance to wander through different places and encounter different enemies (I grew up on golden axe), this genre in 2D however, has largely died out, and accept for the odd retro themeed remake like double dragon advanced they aren't really amde anymore.

Now, there are 3D brawlers like heavenly sword, the lord of the rings game final fight streetwise and the bouncer, which share the 3D perspective of a game like tomb raider, but instead of exploring, you wander around knocking out waves of enemies in 3D, often with intermitant cut scenes or rpg elements like leveling thrown in for good measure.

due to the 3D perspective, I've never really tried these and wouldn't naturally sit down with them, though it is possible they'd be playable with audio.

As for action adventures just running around, well frankly that just frustates the hell out of me!

some of the most depressing memories I have are the hours I spent with original tomb raider and Mario 64 as a teenager, trying to get my limited spacial perception and lack of vision to work through the games, sinse I was so desperate to play them, only to find I'd be running into a different coloured wall thinking it was a door, or attempting to walk across what I thought was clear floor and falling down a hole who's contours were only visible due to some shading which I couldn't see.

I must confess I'm an all or nothing sort of person.

This is why i've never bought mega man x 8, which mixes 2D and 3D gameplay, sinse even though it's possible I could play some of the 2D sections, I'm not going to frustrate the hell out of myself by getting part way through a game then running around at random like an idiot until i get frustrated and give up.

If I buy a game, i want at least the possibility that I'll be able to get through it with enough practice, ---- heck there are games in the Mega man series like Mega man x 6 and mega man 7 I've not finished due to them simply being very tough, but I do know that if I stick them on and practice for long enough I can get through them eventually.

Beware the grue!


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