Hi Jeremy.

that is true reguarding animation and graphics creation, I suppose because the indi graphical games I play tend to be the more successful and well established ones rather than first time efforts, ---- mostly because accessibility in indi games can be hit and miss and often a game can be hard work to work out due to things like menue structure (one reason I stick to some favourite titles and devs), I've played fewer indi graphical games than I have audio ones so am less certain of the process.

As regards games and spending money though, well being in England helps a lot sinse for me, many games are no more expensive than a pizza, ---- for instance preordering Airik actually cost roughly the same price as I spent on a cup of coffee and sandwich this morning simply by virtue of the exchange wrate.

Also though, remember different people have different interests.

For instance, if you made a sports or racing sim, I myself would be less likely to buy those sinse they do not appeal to me as much, while there are some people on the list who are not happy with full 3D fps audio and thus wouldn't buy those sorts of games.

Another possible way around though, might be to create audio games with other forms of output.

for instance, a game like entombed would appeal I think to many in the gamebook, mud, roguelike or text game playing communities were it to have textual output as well as screen reader support, sinse there are people who do not play games for graphics.

then, I've also found myself thinking that one mistake many audio game developers make is calling games "accessible" rather than contacting common indi redistributers.

Look at pappasanga, markited as an atmospheric adventure game with the twist of completely audio navigation.

I've had friends of mine play shades of doom and state how profoundly evil it is in atmosphere, yet it is not known to players of fps games.

It might actually be good to select several audio game titles and contact one of the major redistributers of indi graphical games, someone like game hippo, and see if they could be sold along side other games of similar types with the twist of being audio.

This would not only bring in more cash for developers, but also give people the idea that audio games exist and can be fun, and thus generate publicity.

In fact myself, there are some audio games that I find more interesting than the graphical versions, such as packman and pinball, sinse audio means more exploring rather than just getting a constant overview as you do playing the game graphically.

Btw, I did once talk to retroremakes.com about listing audio remakes of classic games, however they specify remakes must be free, thus many of the classic audio game remakes we have wouldn't qualify unfortunately.

Beware the gRue!


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