I can agree with you Chars.

AS you and I have been on this email list for long as far as since North.
I do have to agree on many points.
And that is positive talking from me.
As Crash can talk some trash to those who do what you mentioned, where I get the whip and been called out for it. I don't even read half of the emails that come into the list for the fact of others doing what you mention ed. Smiles, so when you see a post from me with a (yawn) in it, its my way to say the same old stuff.

The point of this email is to support our fellow blind members in help with game and game development. Not to Bring list members down a peg for showing effort in helping out or producing a product. Instead Give them ideas on how to help play a game or improve upon current game in development.
Sharing tips on gaming and programming.

There is no one way, just  to program a application.
All Roads lead to Rome and what ever a programmer takes, will be the best for him to make the best product that will have his name on it.

Has Tom produce fine games?
The gamer is the final  judge, really not.
Gamers are like addicts. They will play any game they can hook their Joy Stick to.
Or is other programmers the best judge.
As they will have their own agenda to get others more interested in what they are doing.
So, what is the the best judge of a game.
Well, its, simple word of mouth.
Take for example. Who do you think of for anybody who wants to play a blind friendly game for the first time.
Easy to use and have replay ability.
Well, if I was asked that question Chuck, I got to say Jim Kitchen.
Then I would go down the list.
But for a first timer gamer who is blind, its Jim's games.
In fact if you pole the list, it would not surprise me if Mister Kitchen would be on the top of someone playing their first blind game be from his web site.

And I like to just to throw out a Big Thanks to Jim.
He refered Jeff Smith to me.
He is now playing Strat basebal.
That pal.

For Tom, sorry for what the email list done to him as well and others who done their best for the blind community. And if Raceway had been completed, I would have no problem in slapping down my cash down for it.
I too, have had money down on this with Tom and North.
For me I wanted to give him my support in giving a developer his dues, in programming time.
That is fact that every one must understand about this list.
The programmers don't get paid until the product is ready for sale.
No cash coming their way and that very tough for those putting in the time and only get grief for not doing it this way or that way.
Not to say I just wanted my money to be thrown away.
But Tom did show that he really did his best, with the many demos and his own help on the list.
I have benifited from Mister Ward at times and thank you Sir.

And the real only thing about Tom I notice was that he fell into the old programmer trap.
That being trying to stay up with the Technology.
Programming and Reprogramming the same apllication because there may something newer out there, just keeps the programmer falling further and further behind on what they really want to do in the end.
Smiles, I  never seen a Game version go that high and not go gold.
You know, let things at times roll off your back.
Smush the last bugs and move on.
Set a goal and keep to that goal.
One can always go back to a game when the sales drop.

So, my old time email list friend and those who are stil reading this email.
I give Tom his credits, to taking on what he did as a programer and a Mod to the email list. Takes me long time to just delete the email I have no interested in, not to think of the time to mod it.
That took away from his real love of programming.
If anybody have tom's email address, please forward this email to him.
That's it from me Crash, just remember folks this is a support email list not a social network like Face Book

And Hey! those interested in what I am doing with Jaws and Strat sport games check out my web site at:



----- Original Message ----- From: "Charles Rivard" <woofer...@sbcglobal.net>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <gamers@audyssey.org>
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 7:24 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] thanks, people - Re: I'm Leaving the List

I have loads of Emails to go through, and weed through them by the subject lines used. This one really caught my ear.

I tend to think of Thomas Ward as, for the most part, a fair and open minded member of this list, both as a participant and as a moderator. He shows a temper once in a while, as I'm sure that anyone would if you are in his situation.

People just refuse to wait for games to properly be developed because, mainly, I don't think they know what is involved in producing good games, and partly because they have no idea of what else goes on in a game designer's personal and or professional life. As a result, they do nothing but complain, moan, groan, gripe, pester, nag, whine, and worst of all, demand unreasonably. This puts so much unnecessary pressure on the developer that he or she snaps, says, "The heck with you people, I'm outa here.", and they leave. As a result, we have now lost yet another qualified game producer and, in this case, a good, honest, and dedicated member of the list. Although James North did have some bad practices, we lost him due to these very same reasons. So, when will you ever learn, people? Haven't you done enough damage to the blind gaming community by continuing your childishness and impatience and selfishness? I hope Thomas Ward returns, but if he doesn't, thanks! loads! whiners! You only have yourselves to blame. Unfortunately, the rest of us must also suffer the consequences of your actions. I hope you're satisfied, but I, for one, am not! Now, while this may sound selfish on my part, I paid for games that I may not ever get, and I only have you childish whiners to thank for it. For another, you're total lack of humanity toward people who have given time and effort to this list has caused all that time and effort to have been, basically, a waste of all of our tim, not to mention needlessly hurting decent list contributors. Although I seriously doubt it, I do hope you learn something from this, and I only hope that it isn't too late. Now, dang it, grow! up!

"Security is not the absence of danger.  It is the presence of the Lord."

----- Original Message ----- From: "Thomas Ward" <thomasward1...@gmail.com>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <gamers@audyssey.org>
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2011 5:10 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] I'm Leaving the List

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to say effective immediately I am leaving the Audyssy
list, am resigning as comoderator for reasons of my last post, and
will likely be closing USA Games for a few months. I've reached a
point where I can not exist on this list or any other list with
certain members of this community, and I've been pushed personally
beyond my ability to put up with the crap. I tried doing my best to
give helpful information, to take extra time and energy to design the
games the best I can, and apparently my best isn't good enough for a
lot of people so its time to put away my keyboard and leave this

Its time to say some of the things I have not said before, but they
need said. I have worked as often as I can, as much as I can on MOTA
and Raceway, but it is a long and tedious process for me. I don't
always have time to work on them, and you have no idea how many family
reunions, cookouts, etc this summer I've skipped to work on those
games. For quite some time now I've spent so much time working on the
games my marriage has been strained and stressed adding even more
stress to trying to complete these games. Having the community e-mail
me off list now and then asking me when will game x be done over and
over again is bad enough.

However, Che's e-mail was the braking point for me. I've always tried
my best to give helpful suggestions, opinions of what programming
languages and tools to use based on nearly 12 years experience in the
business. Having been college educated in VB, C++, Java, etc I have at
the very least an educated opinion for why I say what I say and do
what I do. I've tried my best not to insult other developers, be fair
when giving my opinions, but apparently Che and others decided to take
it personally, in return insulted me, and that I can not and will not
put up with. So I'm leaving. Either Che goes or I go, but we can not
coexist on this list without killing each other first. So I'm leaving.

So long and fair well.

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If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
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If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list, please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

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If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
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