hahaha love that quote. I know what you're saying about paying to play online, but thing is, PSN's been quite unreliable as of late. you know that saying we get what we pay for? well we're certainly getting that with psn. which is to say, not a whole lot. the web interface is completely down and has been under maintenance for months now. since psn went down in fact. that's totally ridiculous. I'd hate to pay for online, but if I was paying for PSN these issues would be totally unacceptable. plus we might end up paying for online soon anyway. did you read their new privacy policy? basically says that PSN is free for now. that doesn't sound all that great to me. also did you see the latest firmware update? most features were for plus members only which makes me quite angry. if you're going to charge us do it already. don't try and sugar coat it or whatever. do it all at once and get it over with. I think, and this is just speculation on my part, that PSN can't sustain itself unless they end up making us pay for it at some point. either by charging for online outright, or by adding so much exclusivity to plus that the free online becomes useless to the point where most people end up paying for plus anyway. I really love Sony and what they stood for, but it appears to me that their sinking fast. you checked out playstation blog share recently? a total waste of time in my opinion. so many great requests on there, and none of them have been implemented. now what on earth is the point of adding such a service if our feedback isn't taken into account? cross game chat for instance. we've been asking for it for 5 years! and we still! don't have it. Sony better stop lying to us and tell us outright if it can or can't be done. There you have it guys: reasons why I want to switch to 360. I have loyalty to no company, and I don't consider myself a fanboy. I stuck with Sony because they were an awesome and respectable company. however their recent arrogance and lack of communication lately is making many people question their intelligence. In fact I think their arrogance was what got them hacked in the first place. they basically said no bunch of amateur kids are going to hack our unhackable ps3. I'm not exaggerating either. you can Google the article if you like. Needless to say, PSN was hacked for like 2 months shortly after. oops! Sony, do not anger the internet. That's a very bad idea! After PSN returned, things haven't been the same since. we get frequent and lengthy maintenance periods that disrupt our gaming, and the updates we get are either security patches, or plus exclusive features. I'm getting tired of the whole thing .

----- Original Message ----- From: "Clement Chou" <chou.clem...@gmail.com>
To: <brandonsl...@freelists.org>
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2011 2:41 AM
Subject: [brandon's list] Re: a question for all xbox 360 owners.

I don't own one, but you gave some pretty good reasons to get one. My issue would be the same... having to buy games all over again. But I think the biggest thing keeping me away is the fact that you need to pay to play online. Just my opinion though, and I don't think you're going to get an unbiased opinion... as a friend of mine likes to say, opinion = bias.. they're the same thing. lol.

At 10:55 PM 14/08/2011, you wrote:
My friend has one. There is only one reason I would buy one. The ability to read xbl messages on a web interface. Most of the exclusive games are sadly unplayable. I have also noticed that the 360 uses the same sounds for different.
I still wish there was a gaming console that was completely accessible.

Sent from my iPad

On Aug 14, 2011, at 10:29 PM, "Yohandy" <yohand...@gmail.com> wrote:

>       Hey guys,
> I'd love to get unbiased feedback from all those who own an Xbox
360. I'm considering purchasing a console. Are there any reasons why I should do this, apart from better accessibility? Are there any good exclusives on the Xbox that are playable for us, that do not exist on ps3? remember, I own a play station 3, so I'd love it if there were some exclusive games I could play that would justify the purchase more. All I have to go by now is the whole accessibility thing, which I must agree is a whole lot better on the 360 if what I've seen of the website is any indication. in fact, if any of you own a 360 I'd love it if you include a link to your Xbox live profile so I can check out how it looks and whatnot. I've also noticed that 360 owners tend to talk more trash when we're dealing with online competitions. so beating all of you senseless in mortal kombat is another great reason to get one. mwahahahaha! It's really going to suck having to purchase games all over though. however I must face the facts. sony might have all the exclusives, but when it comes to accessibility, Microsoft is destroying ps3. all the games I enjoy are on 360 as well as ps3, and there are no ps3 exclusives that are very playable for blind people. ps3's blu-ray is awesome, but blind people could care less about blu-ray technology since we can't see it anyway. I'm planning to keep my ps3, but the Xbox will be a great system to own as well. I heard that the new slim 360 is totally sweet and as quiet or quieter than the ps3, and that it no longer has the RROD issue, so my 2 biggest reasons for not owning a 360 in the past are now eliminated. then there's that new controller microsoft came out with. anyone tried it, and has the Dpad improved? do new consoles come with that controller by default, or the old one? also new 360 has wi-fi capabilities now, and touch sensitive buttons, just like the ps3. not sure if it still has the tray or the eject mechanism, which I much prefer to be honest. I've realized while writing this email that I've pretty much ran out of reasons not to buy a 360 hahaha. in the past it was pretty broken, but it's real solid now. Sony better step up the competition or they're going to be flattened.

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