I can't wait to try out the merchant cart!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jeremy Kaldobsky" <>
To: "audyssey" <>
Sent: Saturday, August 27, 2011 2:49 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] Castaways version 1.9b with manual training and 
merchantcart working.

I've just posted version 1.9b which has a handful of important changes.

I've fixed the few bugs people had reported, including the inability to mute 
some message types, soldiers being listed in job 
categories they weren't supposed to be in, and long chat messages showing up as 
being blank.

In the last update I made the AI better at deciding what troop type soldiers 
should train to become, but I've taken that in a 
new direction now.  Soldiers will never train by themselves, even when you have 
armor and such in the barracks.  Just like 
using a tome, select a soldier and press U to bring up a menu allowing you to 
pick how they will train!  Of course, you must 
still have the needed items in your barracks before it will let you train that 
type of troop.

Wine was used less than any other food type simply because it was technically 
no different than the others but it was harder 
to produce.  As an extra incentive, any of your people who currently have wine 
in their stomachs will perform their jobs 10 
percent faster.  This extra bonus doesn't take away from wine's usual energy, 
so it still acts as a food just like it did 
before.  Hopefully this will encourage more people to work on wine production.

Multiplayer co-op has undergone some extreme changes.  I'm still working on the 
battling multiplayer modes, but in the mean 
time I wanted to release these changes that are part of the foundation for the 
stuff yet to come.  This will also allow 
people to test for bugs and provide feedback about it.  Jobs no longer 
automatically change for your online representative. 
I thought it was a cool idea, but it has been quite annoying to many people and 
I figured I would try removing it to see how 
it goes.  Some people would change jobs constantly which caused other players 
to see the job change messages over and over, 
and if someone picked a job you didn't want around, there was nothing you could 
do about it.  For example, if you weren't 
making wine but a person's multiplayer representative was a cooper, tons of 
your lumber would be being turned into useless 
barrels with no convenient way for you to put an end to it.  As it stands now, 
all multiplayer people
 will show up as peasants and are locked in to that job position.

The merchant cart is finished now.  In a multiplayer game build a merchant 
cart, assign a merchant, and press Backspace on 
the building.  A menu will allow you to choose who to send supplies to and how 
much of everything you wish to send.  Sending 
the supplies will arrive at the other person almost instantly, but your 
merchant will spend time "traveling" and will be 
unable to help in your settlement until he gets back.  This is meant to provide 
a little bit of an extra cost to sending 
supplies.  Each time you wish to send supplies, it requires a merchant.  You 
could be helping 10 different friends at once, 
but it would require you to dedicate 10 people as merchants for a while.

I know you're probably already thinking of how many ways people could cheat 
using the merchant cart.  That is very true, and 
there's no sense in hiding that fact.  While playing Co-op multiplayer, it is 
just like Single player in the sense that you 
should do whatever brings you the most entertainment as you play.  If Saving 
your game every 5 seconds so you can avoid any 
injuries is fun for you, then by all means go for it.  It isn't hurting anyone. 
 In this spirit of innocent fun, hopefully 
people will understand that can abuse the merchant cart to get an extra 
advantage, and that there is nothing technically 
wrong with that.  For me personally, I would like to play Co-op on the hard 
difficulty with the absolute worst fault I can 
get.  It would be super hard and I would actually have fun depending on my team 
of multiplayer friends to help me survive! 

While I work on the other multiplayer mode, I am trying to limit the number of 
ways people can cheat or get an unfair 
advantage, because the future mode will have players competing and therefore 
cheating is actually "hurting" the other people.

There are many server and game changes that are happening behind the scenes, 
but those really aren't anything people will 
appreciate yet.  The good news is that much of the foundation is in place for 
me to do the competitive multiplayer mode.

Oh yeah, for fun I've hidden a very popular Cheat code in Castaways.  I wonder 
how long it will be before someone figures it 
out, but to enter the code simply type it and press enter during your game.  
Obviously if you don't type the correct code you 
will not see any special message, and will probably have done a few random 
things in your settlement by pressing those random 
keys, hahaha!

For those of you who don't remember the link, it is here.

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