Hi Folks,
I ran across this message from two years ago.
Was this accessible train simulator project ever finished?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Valiant8086" <valiant8...@lavabit.com>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <gamers@audyssey.org>
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 2:21 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New accessible train simulator in development
The .ini track loading system is working now. Nothing is set in stone so
this might be different later. At the moment ctrl+o will pop up the list
box of tracks that are found in the tracks folder that can be selected.
when on a track doing stuff, ctrl+s will save the current state of things
so that one can close the train and then run the program again and find
they're right where they were doing exactly what they were doing when they
hit ctrl+s. So you can be going 85 miles per hour and press ctrl+s, close
the train, open it again and you're going 85 miles per hour, traveling
right where you were when you saved. Orriginally, it saved when you closed
the train but it looks like not everyone is going to want it to work that
way so at the moment saving is an option. the info is saved in an .ini
file called train.ini. that file can be deleted to cause the train to pop
up the dialogue as soon as you open the train for you to select a track.
This should allow us to just delete th
at .ini file when we distribute and everyone who tries it out will get
generic behavior.
harun mentioned the speed limit system we were thinking about. Basically
you use two objects that are pretty much just going to be signs. One will
set the speed limit and the other will remove it so you can get up a good
head of steam again.
When pulling up to a station it's hard, both in reality and in this
simulator to stop when you want to. You'll pass the station or stop too
soon, or find you're about a quarter of a mile from it but going too
slowly to be there any time inside of a decade. You get old waiting on it
and speed things up a bit, only to go zooming past the station before
you're aware of the fact. So we put in a beep that only plays if you're
moving under 5 miles per hour. The beep indicates when you're within
0.0001 miles of what ever object you happen to be that close to. for a
station this allows you to stop pretty darned close to where you want.
You listen for that beep. You hear it and you hold down the letter k until
the train comes to a hault. the beep only plays if you're moving and at a
rate of under 5 miles per hour. So if you're zooming along you don't have
to worry about that beep getting in the way of sound effects.
----- Original Message -----
From: Valiant8086
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 9:01 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] New accessible train simulator in development
Sorry if you guys get this twice.
The .ini track loading system is in, but is still broken a bit and needs
some serious work to get it to actually work like it's supposed to. It
would appear, at least for now, that using .ini files doesn't slow the
main loop down enough to bother with. this is good. At the moment we have
an every day list box that popps up when you go to pick a track. The
tracks are listed in there and the file extention is on the end, ini.
Don't know if we should remove the extention from the list or not. You
select the track you want and then tab to the ok button and press that.
Right now all of the game except that is self voicing, though we
considered using the API for the screen reader if a compatible one
happened to be running to speak stuff instead of SAPI. We aren't using any
key commands yet that a screen reader could conflict with, but when key
echo is on it's kind of bothersome as you hold down a button, like the
letter i, to accelerate and the screen reader keeps saying the letter over
and over again. I know a way to make the track select list box speak with
SAPI if necessary. Don't know if the ok button could be spoken or not.
We're using all SAPI for now and probably going to keep using a
synthesizer of some sort since things are going to be so generic. When we
have object names and such loading from a .ini file that anyone can create
with any name they can think of, audio voiceovers won't work for reading
names of those objects and all that good stuff. I wouldn't mind using the
dll version of ESpeak to tell the trooth. Right now the tr
ain sim is
portable. We're going to keep it that way if we can. There is no
installer. You just download it, unzip it and run the train.exe file.
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