I must admit I've been very slow about writing entries for the Azabat games for 
audiogames.net, basically because most of the games are pretty much available 
in better versions elsewhere and azabat are ridiculously overpriced, ---- in 
fact as I've said before I think the only reason they've got where they are is 
because they present "audio games for pathetic old blind people!" 

Nevertheless, unfortunately the job of maintaining the database means playing 
and writing about bad games as well as good ones, and sinse Azabat did send me 
both their demo cd and some free copies of their games so that I could write 
about them, I do feel I need to give them a reasonable run for their money, 
however today I really! had trouble when writing up the entry for their second 
volume, word games. 

We all know that everyone from jim kitchin to even the online game alien 
adoption agency has versions of Hangman, and other than ntoicing that the 
azabat version of the game actually has fewer customizations (and deffinately 
fewer fun sfx), than jims, I'll move on. 

then there is Targit, exactly the same game as bg word targit, but with no fun 
sfx or music, and fewer customization options.

Anagrams, the count down letters and numbers game where you form words from 
random letters or a targit number from random numbers, and a game called link 
words resembling Dan Z's chainlink game. 

What appauled me here, is that none! of these games has even a scoring system! 
you don't type in solutions, you just get presented with an anagram, a number 
targit and that's it. The technology is planely there to create one, sinse 
Hangman and word targit have a score system, and the computer even has the 
ability to work out solutions to all the problems meaning that it could! 
determine whether your right or wrong, but for some completely insane reason 
you don't type in your answers, you just are supposed to solve them in your 

In the name of all that's reasonable, why is a score! system! so hard to 

As I said, I do want to try and make the best of azabat because they did send 
me some free stuff, but when the quality of their games is so insanely low my 
job is extremely difficult! 

Yes, making games that are not complex for computer novices is a worth while 
aime, ---- but how novice are we talking here?

heck, my mum is about as computer novice as you get (she regularly phones me to 
ask things like how to copy files or open mail attachments), yet I've got her 
Ian Humphries psudoku games and she's quite able to play them, indeed was able 
to install them pretty easily too thanks to the microsoft install wizard. 

What planet are Azabat on? 

Even their one really unique game backgamman now has a far superior version 
thanks to Manu of Pontes games, with online play, sfx, music ambience and lots 
of other great customization features (I'm quite a fan of the game actually).

The only really sad thing, is that while people like Jim Kitchin, 7-128 Manu 
and Ian humphries have done far better things even in the traditional games 
line, at a far more reduced price, Azabat are the ones the bloody rnib sponsor! 

this! is! ridiculous! 

Sorry about the wrant, but I really! needed to get that out of my system. 

Beware the grue! 

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