hey jeremy, that list of bug fixes is great, thanks again for the hard work, i know sometimes all you hear from the list is what we'd like to be better or new features, but it really is an amazing game you've made here. one thing i noticed jeremy fixed that i don't think he mentioned is when you start in the safe zone, your now facing the door, so all you have to do is walk forward, very nice. There seems to be way way less zombies now, either that, or the range thing is keeping me from hearing them. i went from safe zone, down to green, to cardigan, to indy, all the way to north border, back to the bridge, all the way to the west border, up to north border, then back to the safe zone, and heard exactly one zombie. there were 8 to 10 players online at the time. this was around 10 minutes of walking total. regarding the reputation bug, is it possible that the database is getting cross threaded with other players? my numbers seem to fluctuate wildly, as if I were picking up someone elses stats, although when i went to grab items at the safe zone, it initially said i had like 2400 rep, then said i didn't have enough when i tried buying a bennelli, and after leaving safe zone, i had 5 rep, as if it had caught up to what my stats were actually supposed to be maybe. you might try logging in as another player and seeing if it matches your DB? if i am not hearing zombies because the range of the axe and pistol are really really short, i think that is a bad thing. this would give even more of an advantage to players that have longer range weapons. i for one just don't like the idea of my ability to hear zombies based on the range of my weapon. how about the flies, i assume if the range is in effect, the flies aren't affected by range, right?
  keep up the good work man,

On 11/25/2011 5:23 PM, Valiant8086 wrote:
I'm having strange problems with impact sounds. I even walked up to a
wall and swung my axe at it, and I didn't hear it hit. I'm not sure how
to tell if I actually did hit a zombie or not, but I do know I shot one
a few times without moving because I was pretty sure I was lined up with
him and he died after my third shot. I don't know if he just wandered
into my line of fire or if there was no impact sound for that one. So so

Sent with Thunderbird 3.1.14 portable.

On 11/25/2011 6:08 PM, Jeremy Kaldobsky wrote:
I'll add it to the list. Sadly I've already been told that the new
patch isn't solving the reputation bug. It works perfectly when I'm
testing, so I am quite frustrated.

think music's broken

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