Hi Folks,
While attachments are not allowed, I pasted the SilverSword help document below:
Silversword Manual


Contents  1
Introduction  4
Credits 5
About the mechanics 6
Starting the game 6
General interaction 6
The party roster 7
The Ruin Camp 8
Create a character  8
ST = Strength9
DX = Dexterity9
CN = Constitution9
IQ = Intelligence9
LK = Luck 9
HP = Hit Points 9
SP = Spell Points 9
AC = Armour class  10
THAC0 = To Hit AC0 Chance  10
Creating your party  11
Managing your party 11
Discard a character  11
Rename a character 11
Change the order  11
Spells  11
Conjurer Spells  14
Level 1  14
Level 2  14
Level 3  15
Level 4  15
Level 5  15
Level 6  16
Level 7  16
Magician Spells 17 
Level 1  17
Level 2  17
Level 3  18
Level 4  18
Level 5  18
Level 6  19
Level 7  19
Sorcerer Spells  20
Level 1  20
Level 2  20
Level 3  21
Level 4  21
Level 5  21
Level 6  22
Level 7  22
Wizard Spells  23
Level 1  23
Level 2  23
Level 3  23
Level 4  24
Level 5  24
Level 6  24
Level 7  25
Archmage Spells 26
Level 1  26
Level 2  26
Level 3  26
Level 4  26
Level 5  27
Level 6  27
Level 7  27
Bard Songs 28
Tune of Illumination  28
Song of Life  28
Traveller's ditty  28
Paladin Prayers 29
Blessing of Sodar  29
Shield of Sodar 29
Grace of Sodar  29
Sodar's Recall  29
The Races and Classes of Tarnak  30
The Races  30
Humans  30
Dwarves  30
Elves  30
Hobbits 31
Gnomes  31
High-Men 31 
Barbarians 31
The Classes  33
Warrior  33
Paladin 33
Rogue 33
Bard 33
Hunter  33
Monk  34
Conjurer  34
Magician  34
Sorcerer 34
Wizard  34
Archmage  34
Items 35
AC  35
Dmg  35
SV  35
toHit  35
Charges  35
Stackables  35
Runes 36
Travelling around 36
Day and Night 36
Doors 36
Chests 37
Chest Mini Game 37
Combat 37
How Combat starts  38
Attack  38
Defend  38
Reload  39
Use Item  39
Cast a spell 39
Hide in shadows 39
Change equipment  39
How combat is evaluated 40
Silversword Lite Version  41

Around Christmas 2010 I decided to program Silversword. I always wanted
to make my own role-playing game and the lack of Bard's Tale-like stuff on
the iDevices finally got me to this. Now - at the end of 2011 - with only a
few weeks left until the release of the full version, and half a year after the
release of the lite version, I am very satisfied with the result.

Before giving credits I want you to know that you can buy the Silversword
Compendium as an In-App-Purchase from within the game. Why is that?

I put a lot of effort into creating the skills, spells, classes, races and other
game mechanics. You can play the game without the Compendium, but
you have to do some research to find out how everything works. If you
want to know everything, and want to have detailed information about the
mechanics, I ask you to honour my work that I put into the Compendium
and to buy it.


My special thanks go to:

Frank Klueppel, for creating wonderful graphics, maps, and background
stories. Hopefully he will publish his Roleplaying Game RISE someday.

Kristina Giepen, for drawing all characters and creatures. Without her, the
game would probably have a different look.

Chris Gerbracht, for giving me feedback, stories and things to think about.

Further thanks go to:

Ben Schuettler and Lars Heidieker, for helping me out with those nasty
Objective-C problems.

And very hearty thanks go to:

All you Silversword Lite players who provided me with valuable feedback
throughout the months!

The Game is dedicated to Jens Jochimsthal, who teased me for 20 years
with the idea of Silversword - and to Alicia Kernenbach, where my heart

Mario J. Gaida

November 2011

About the mechanics

Silversword is a game in the genre of The Bards Tale. This means, it tries
to simulate a roleplaying session like you might know from Dungeons &
Dragons. You control a group (your "party") of up to seven members. The
first four slots are melee slots, meaning that this is the front line when
facing enemies. The last three slots are the members in the second row,
they have to use ranged weapons, special items or magic spells to
participate in combat.

Starting the game

After having installed and started the game, you are taken to the Ruin

In the Ruin Camp, you can find new heroes to join you on your adventure.

It might happen that your party is already filled with some brave fellows,
but you can of course create your own characters.

General interaction

You play the game by touching the elements on the screen.

Cross-hair Panel

Cast Spell

Use Item

Play Song

Show Map+Log



Spell Effects

A touchable area in the text output (upper right side of the screen) is
marked by brackets (e.g. "[ Touch me ]"). We will call it "Link" from now

You can move by touching the view (upper left side of the screen) on its
upper half, or at its sides. But it is more elegant to use the cross-hair panel,
which you can activate by touching the cross-hair symbol on the upper
right side of your screen. Change the position of the cross-hair panel by
touching and dragging the symbol.

You go into character view by simply touching a character entry in your
party roster, which fills up the lower half of your screen.

To change order or to rename or discard a character, see the section
"Managing your party".

By touching the Spell Effects area, you can get an overview of active spell
effects that are summoned by your party members. It is possible to end an
effect before it fades by itself - just touch the entry and confirm.

The party roster

The lower half of the screen is reserved for your party members. You can
form a party of up to seven characters. Shown are the name, the armour
class (AC), the actual condition, the current hit points, the current spell
points, and the class shortcut of each character.

The actual condition may be either your full hit point value, or one of the

PSND your character is poisoned.

NUTS your character is insane, he may attack your party.

POSS your character is haunted by evil spirits. Dangerous!

INCP your character is incapacitated and can't act in combat.

STUN your character is paralysed, AC counts only 50%!

STON your character has turned in to stone.

DEAD guess what?

The Ruin Camp

In the Ruin Camp you have the following options:

[ Create a character ]

[ Add a character ]

[ Remove a character ]

[ Delete a character ]

Create a character

After touching the "Create" Link, you can choose a gender for your new
character. This only affects the appearance of your character, but no stats.

You can then choose from one of the available races. A short description of
each race can be found in the chapter "Races and Classes of Tarnak".

Choosing a certain race will affect the character's base stats. For example, a
dwarf is stronger than a human, but might not be as clever as an elf. In
addition, each race has certain special virtues that are shown on the screen
once you have chosen a race. For example, human get their attributes
raised faster, and elves can aim more precisely with ranged weapons.

Play around with the races and find out which classes each race has to
offer. You will find that not all character classes are available for all races.
The class will decide in which direction your character develops.

We recommend playing with the preset party for a while to get a feeling for
the different skills each class has to offer. Full information on each race and
class will be provided in the upcoming Silversword Guide.


All characters are stored in a common place, which you can access in every
camp throughout Tarnak. But be aware that they are game dependant - as
soon as you start a new game, all characters from previous games will be
lost! (Loading an old game is possible of course).


A character has the following stats, which can be recalled by touching the
character in your party roster.

ST = Strength

The strength affects your damage in melee combat.

DX = Dexterity

The dexterity affects your chance to hit in melee and ranged combat, and
also affects your armour class (AC).

CN = Constitution

Your constitution plays an important role in determining how many hit
points you will get when reaching a new level.

IQ = Intelligence

Intelligence affects the amount of spell points your character will get (if it
gets spell points at all).

LK = Luck

Luck influences your fate in different ways. The obvious ones are the
mitigation of trap damage and the chance to resist evil spells.

HP = Hit Points

Your health. If your hit points reach zero, you will become incapacitated.
When your hit points reach your negative constitution value, you will die.
You may regain hit points by visiting a temple, getting attention from a
healing spell, or by walking in the daylight.

SP = Spell Points

Spell points are your pool of power. Every magic spell costs a certain
amount of spell points. If your spell points are too low, you won't be able to
produce magic effects. You may recharge spell points with certain items -
or by walking in the daylight.

AC = Armour class

Imperative for your melee ranks (slot 1 - 4). The lower the AC, the better.
The better your armour (don't forget to visit your local armoury), the lower
the AC. With a low AC, you won't be hit that much. Useless against magic
spells, tho.

THAC0 = To Hit AC0 Chance

This will be known to all D&D Players out there, and is for statistical
purposes. Your chance to hit an enemy with AC0 in percent.

Creating your party

You can gather a band of up to seven characters who will travel with you
through the world of Tarnak. The first four slots are melee range slots. You
can only attack your enemies with your melee weapons if a character is in
one of the first four slots! Exception: ranged weapons - special weapons
with a higher range - or magic spells. In return, your enemies may only
attack the members in the first four slots (the mentioned exceptions apply
here, too).

Rule of thumb: Make sure you place characters with high health points and
low armour class in the first four slots.

Managing your party

Discard a character

You can discard a character by touching the name and dragging it to the
left side of the screen. Upon releasing, you will be asked if the character
should leave the party. It will then return to the Ruin Camp where you can
pick it up again.

Rename a character

You can rename a character by dragging the name to the right side of the
screen. If you enter nothing, the name stays unchanged.

Change the order

By touching a name and dragging it up or down you can change the
position of your party members. Dead members cannot be moved, they
always stay in the last ranks.


There are different schools of magic in Silversword. Each has unique spells
that may aid you on your journey.

Spells cost spell points. Spell points regenerate at daytime, and only in
certain areas. In dungeons, or at nighttime, you have to use a "Harmonic
Gem" to recharge your magical powers. You may also find someone who
will re-energize you for gold.

Some spells may only last during a combat, and some spells may only be
cast under certain circumstances.

The more you practice a certain spell, the better you will get at it. If you
happen to hear a chime during spellcasting, and a symbol appears right
behind a spell's name, then you know that you have reached a new level of
spell mastery. Spell mastery will decrease the cost for this spell in the future until a spell costs no more than 1 spell point. But this is a long way to go!

You can look up the spell description and cost on your spell page in your
character overview. Just touch the proper spell name.


Dist. = Maximum distance of the spell in feet (ft.)

Party The spell affects your party

Group The spell affects one target group

All The spell affects all enemies

Char The spell affects one character

View The spell affects everything in view range

Dur. = Duration of the spell

N/A Immediately or none

Combat Lasts until the actual combat is done

Short A few minutes

Medium Several minutes

Long Twice as long as medium

Indef. Until magically dispelled

Spec. Special duration

Conjurer Spells

The Conjurer deals with utility spells, but can also heal and summon
monsters to aid your party in combat.

Level 1

Ray of Fire Cost: 3 SP Dist.: 1 Foe / 30 ft. Dur.: N/A

A ray of fire shoots from the character's finger and aims at a single target,
causing 1 to 6 points of damage per caster level.
For use in combat only.

Disrupting Winds Cost: 4 SP Dist.: Party Dur.: Combat

Whirling winds surround the party, hindering the enemy from properly
aiming at and hitting your members.
For use in combat only.

Magic Flame Cost: 2 SP Dist.: N/A Dur.: Medium

A magic flame enlightens you and your surroundings. Useful if no torch is

Trap Zap Cost: 2 SP Dist.: 30 ft. Dur.: N/A

The famous trap destruction spell. Use this spell to disarm traps in front of
you, or to unlock certain doors.

Level 2

Freeze Foes Cost: 3 SP Dist.: Group Dur.: Combat

A chilling wind engulfs your enemies, making them slow and easier to hit.
For use in combat only.

Magic Compass Cost: 3 SP Dist.: Group Dur.: Medium

This compass always shows the right direction.

Word of Healing Cost: 4 SP Dist.: Char Dur.: N/A

This spell can be used to treat serious wounds. It heals 4 to 24 points of

Level 3

Minor Revelation Cost: 5 SP Dist.: View Dur.: Long

This is an extended magic flame spell that also reveals hidden doors and
other secret passages.

Levitation Cost: 4 SP Dist.: Party Dur.: Short

Makes your party float above the ground. You can cross certain water areas
if the current permits.

Battle Strike Cost: 5 SP Dist.: Group / 30 ft. Dur.: N/A

Hits all creatures of a single enemy group, striking them with powerful
force. 6 to 24 points of damage are inflicted, if a target doesn't resist.
For use in combat only.

Level 4

Phlebotomy Cost: 6 SP Dist.: Char Dur.: N/A

A mighty healing spell that returns 4 to 40 hit points to an injured
character. Cures even insanity and poison.

Instant Wolf Cost: 6 SP Dist.: Party Dur.: N/A

Dendarion's Instant Wolf. Summons a giant and extremely fierce wolf to
join your party.

Level 5

Electrify Cost: 7 SP Dist.: Group / 30 ft. Dur.: N/A

Creates a globe of intense electrical energy that envelopes a group of
enemies and inflicts 5 to 80 damage points.

Level 6

Blessing of Remigius Cost: 9 SP Dist.: Party Dur.: N/A

Works like Phlebotomy, but effects every member of the party. Named after
the famous ale-brewer Remigius, who was also a barber-surgeon.

Flying Carpet Cost: 9 SP Dist.: Party Dur.: Indef.

Operates like Levitation, but it lasts until the spell is terminated by an anti-
magic force.

Level 7

Creo Corpus Cost: 12 SP Dist.: Char Dur.: N/A

A health spell that revives all the hit points for one lucky member of the

Farther Foe Cost: 18 SP Dist.: Group Dur.: N/A

Pushes a group of foes 40 feet further away from your party. A total
distance of 90 feet is the limit.

Summon Jack Cost: 12 SP Dist.: Party Dur.: N/A

Materializes the famous Jack Crow, who will aid you with his pointy rapier.

Magician Spells

The magician is more offensive than the Conjurer. He has not only blasting
combat spells, but also protective ones.

Level 1

Quick Fix Cost: 3 SP Dist.: Char Dur.: N/A

Quickly heals a light wound, returning 8 hit points.

Shield of Light Cost: 2 SP Dist.: Char Dur.: Short

Protects a single party member, lowering his armour class.

Enchanted Blade Cost: 3 SP Dist.: Char Dur.: Combat

Adds magic power to a member's weapon, making it cause more damage.
You should cast this spell at the beginning of a fight.
For use in combat only.

Level 2

Open Eyes Cost: 5 SP Dist.: Group Dur.: Short

This spell warns you about stairs being near in the direction you are facing.

Holy Water Cost: 4 SP Dist.: 1 Foe / 10 ft. Dur.: N/A

This spell can be used to hurt a single undead creature for 8 to 48 points of
For use in combat only.

Magical Gauntlets Cost: 5 SP Dist.: Char Dur.: Combat

Enhances a member's combat power, allowing him to deal more damage.
For use in combat only.

Level 3

Mystical Shield Cost: 6 SP Dist.: Party Dur.: Medium

Protects your party with a powerful magic shield.

Star Fire Cost: 6 SP Dist.: Group / 40 ft. Dur.: N/A

Burns a group of enemies with magic fires, inflicting 10 to 40 points of
For use in combat only.

Troll Strength Cost: 6 SP Dist.: Char Dur.: Combat

Empowers a member of your party with troll strength, greatly increasing
his or her damage in combat.

Level 4

Spectre Touch Cost: 8 SP Dist.: 1 Foe / 70 ft. Dur.: N/A

Drains a single emeny of 4 to 60 hit points as if it were touched lightly by

Dragon Breath Cost: 7 SP Dist.: Group / 30 ft. Dur.: N/A

Lets the spellcaster belch a breath of fire at a group of monsters, inflicting 8
to 64 points of damage on each monster.

Level 5

Absorb Magic Cost: 8 SP Dist.: Party Dur.: Combat

Surrounds your party with an anti-magic zone, causing most enemy spells
to be resisted.

Giant Strength Cost: 10 SP Dist.: Party Dur.: Combat

Instills tremendous power in your party, increasing THAC0 and damage by


Level 6

Gabriel's Cloak Cost: 10 SP Dist.: Party Dur.: Indef.

This powerful shield from the Guardians of Light will protect you until
magically dispelled.

Shatter Walls Cost: 10 SP Dist.: 10 ft. Dur.: Spec.

Vaporizes any wall that is not protected by a magic aura or spell, so that
you can walk through. But be quick!

Level 7

Restoration Cost: 25 SP Dist.: Party Dur.: N/A

Regenerates the body of every party member to perfect condition; even
cures insanity or poisoning.

Coup De GrĂ¢ce Cost: 16 SP Dist.: 1 Foe / 10 ft. Dur.: N/A

Instantly kills a selected enemy.

Hailstorm Cost: 11 SP Dist.: Group / 50 ft. Dur.: N/A

Strikes a group of monsters with an avalanche of ice, causing 10 to 120
points of damage.

Softener Cost: 20 SP Dist.: Char Dur.: N/A

Softens the stoned flesh of an afflicted member, giving back the natural

Sorcerer Spells

The Sorcerer is a master of illusion. As long as his enemies believe in his
tricks, they are in great danger.

Level 1

Brain Stab Cost: 3 SP Dist.: 1 Foe / 40 ft. Dur.: N/A

Mortifer's Brain Stab casts a concentrated blast of energy at one opponent,
inflicting 2 to 8 points of damage for each experience level of the caster.

Blur Image Cost: 2 SP Dist.: Party Dur.: Combat

Causes the entire party to become blurry in the eyes of the enemy, making
your party tougher to strike.

Find Traps Cost: 2 SP Dist.: 30 ft. Dur.: Short

Gives you awareness for trap detection. Works only in the direction you are

Level 2

Disbelieve Cost: 4 SP Dist.: 90 ft. Dur.: N/A

Reveals an attacking illusion for the true nonphysical object that it is,
causing it to vanish.

Summon Shadow Cost: 5 SP Dist.: Party Dur.: N/A

Creates the illusion of a battle-ready ninja in the ranks of your party. It will
fight until defeated or disbelieved.

Vision of infernal terrors Cost: 4 SP Dist.: 90 ft. Dur.: Combat

Causes a group of enemies to cover in fear, reducing the ability to attack
and inflict damage.

Level 3

Summon Shadow Ogre Cost: 6 SP Dist.: Party Dur.: N/A

Summons an illusionary shadow ogre to join your party.

Invisibility Cost: 6 SP Dist.: Party Dur.: Combat

Invoke this spell to render the entire party nearly invisible to the enemy.

Second Sight Cost: 6 SP Dist.: 30 ft. Dur.: Medium

Heightens awareness so the spellcaster will detect all traps, stairs and
secrets in front of him.

Level 4

Daylight Cost: 7 SP Dist.: Party Dur.: Indef.

Causes darkness to flee, giving infinite light.

Summon Hailstorm Cost: 12 SP Dist.: Party Dur.: N/A

Creates an illusionary shadow storm giant to join the ranks of your party.

Level 5

Force of reason Cost: 8 SP Dist.: 90 ft. Dur.: Combat

Reason hinders illusions from being believed in and new illusions from

Mind Blade Cost: 10 SP Dist.: All Dur.: N/A

Mortifer's Mind Blade strikes every opposing group within range with an
explosion of energy capable of inflicting 25 to 100 points of damage.

Level 6

Summon Norse Cost: 11 SP Dist.: Party Dur.: N/A

Summons a nordic giant to fight for your party.

Sorcerer Sight Cost: 11 SP Dist.: 30 ft. Dur.: Indef.

Gives your sorcerer indefinite awareness of traps, stairs and secrets.

Level 7

Odin's Court Cost: 20 SP Dist.: All Dur.: N/A

Calls upon ancient gods to hold court, inflicting 55 to 300 points of damage
on every enemy.

Ancient Hero Cost: 16 SP Dist.: Party Dur.: N/A

Summons a hero from the golden ages to make a last stand against your

Preclusion Cost: 50 SP Dist.: 90 ft. Dur.: Combat

A hermetic force shield that will prevent any creatures from appearing
during fight.

Mage Maelstrom Cost: 40 SP Dist.: 90 ft. Dur.: N/A

Assaults a group of opposing spellcasters and may hurt them, turn them to
stone or kill them outright. This spell is illusionary in nature, and will only
work if not disbelieved.

Wizard Spells

A wizard calls upon the services of elements and demons, giving him
power beyond imagination, and ultimately power over death.

Level 1

Summon Elemental Cost: 10 SP Dist.: Party Dur.: N/A

Summons a fire elemental from the planet's core to fry your foes.

Giant Weight Cost: 11 SP Dist.: 10 ft. Dur.: N/A

Manipulates gravity, smashing down a single group of enemies and
inflicting 25 to 100 points of damage.

Level 2

Demon Bane Cost: 11 SP Dist.: 30 ft. Dur.: N/A

A prayer to the Guardians of Light, inflicting 100 to 400 points of damage
on a single creature of demonic origin.

Unholy Summoning Cost: 14 SP Dist.: Party Dur.: N/A

Summons a lesser demon to join your party for a while. Be careful, it's
loyalty will fail eventually.

Level 3

Sodar's Cleansing Cost: 14 SP Dist.: Group / 30 ft. Dur.: N/A

Creates a cyclone of flame that lashes out and delivers 100 to 290 points of
damage to a group of your foes.

Exorcism Cost: 12 SP Dist.: Char Dur.: N/A

Cures a possessed party member, returning him to the normal state of

Level 4

Repel Dead Cost: 12 SP Dist.: Group / 60 ft. Dur.: N/A

Mortifer's perdo corpus spell sends undead creatures back to where they
came from, inflicting up to 350 damage.

Set Beacon Cost: 1 SP Dist.: Party Dur.: N/A

Sets a magical beacon to which you can travel back in times of need.

Travel to Beacon Cost: 50 SP Dist.: Party Dur.: N/A

Summons a magic force to guide you back to your beacon, if you have set
one before.

Level 5

Mind Control Cost: 16 SP Dist.: 1 Foe / 90 ft. Dur.: Combat

If successful, this spell controls the mind of an enemy, possessing him and
making him fight for the party.

Mortifer's Soul Whip Cost: 13 SP Dist.: 1 Foe / 70 ft. Dur.: N/A

Whips out a tendril of psionic power to strike a selected foe, inflicting 100
to 500 damage.

Level 6

Beyond Death Cost: 18 SP Dist.: Char Dur.: N/A

Brings a dead character back to life, giving one health point as a welcome
back gift.

Call of the Wild Cost: 22 SP Dist.: Party Dur.: N/A

Summons a powerful demon from the underground. Don't mess around
with this spell.

Level 7

Lightning Strike Cost: 16 SP Dist.: Group / 50 ft. Dur.: N/A

Creates a magic thunderstorm above one enemygroup, striking it with
lightning and inflicting 100 to 300 damage points.

Demon War Cost: 25 SP Dist.: Group / 50 ft. Dur.: N/A

Unleashes the terrorising power of demons into the enemy ranks, causing
200 to 600 points of damage.

Archmage Spells

The Archmage has mastered at all previous professions and unlocked the
inner secrets of both combat and healing magic. A genious to be feared.

Level 1

Hesitation Cost: 15 SP Dist.: All Dur.: Spec.

Mortifer's Hesitation causes every attacking group to miss all their attacks
during the next round.

Close Combat Cost: 20 SP Dist.: Group / 90 ft. Dur.: N/A

Elodan's answer to cowards, bringing a single group of enemies in sword

Level 2

Sodar's Guidance Cost: 28 SP Dist.: Party Dur.: Indef.

Calls upon the power of Sodar, to give divine guidance on your journey.

Level 3

Camaraderie Cost: 26 SP Dist.: Party Dur.: N/A

Tries to soothe all members in your party that have turned hostile.

Level 4

Aureus' Night Lance Cost: 30 SP Dist.: Group / 70 ft. Dur.: N/A

Launches a chilling ice missile against a group of foes, inflicting 200 to 600
damage points.

Level 5

Divine Restoration Cost: 50 SP Dist.: Party Dur.: N/A

A powerful creo corpus spell that resurrects every dead party member
(except those turned to stone), curing poison, insanity and restoring full

Level 6

Call to Arms Cost: 60 SP Dist.: Party Dur.: N/A

The Imperial Guard of the Comkarthian Empire is willing to help friends in
need. Summons enough guards to fill your ranks.

Level 7

Sodar's Wrath Cost: 80 SP Dist.: All Dur.: N/A

Inflicts 400 to 1200 bone-crushing damage points against every monster
you face.

Bard Songs

Your bard will start with three different songs to aid you on your journey.
In the full version you will be able to acquire new songs in Bard Guilds and
other mystic places.

Remember that a Bard can only play one song at a time. If you switch to
another song, the previous one will cease.

The number of songs your Bard can play is in accordance with his level.
Then, he will need something to drink. So have a wineskin ready at any

Tune of Illumination

This magic song will enlighten the surroundings of the party, allowing you
to see in dark dungeons.

Song of Life

Not only does this song raise your party members' spirits, it also tends your
wounds, healing you over time. A very powerful magic song!

Traveller's ditty

Do not underestimate the effects of this song. It calms most creatures you
encounter, so that they will let you pass unharmed. This is very important
in the beginning, because running away from enemies may not succeed
every time.

Paladin Prayers

Your paladin will start with one prayer, the "Blessing of Sodar". He can
achieve new prayers every other level. Beware, acquiring a new prayer is an
exhausting ritual which needs many expensive components.

Some prayers will gain greater power as the Paladin grows stronger.

Blessing of Sodar

When this prayer is answered, the whole party gains a toHit bonus in
combat, making it easier to drive evil forces off the face of the planet. This
bonus will rise for every five levels of the Paladin.

Shield of Sodar

Sodar will protect your party from enemy blows upon answering to this
prayer. The protection will rise for every five levels of the Paladin.

Grace of Sodar

Divine Power flows through the heart and soul of a single party member,
restoring its health, curing poison and insanity.

Sodar's Recall

If this prayer to Sodar is answered, you may bring back life to one fellow
party member.

The Races and Classes of Tarnak

The Races

Choose from one of seven races that wander the realms of Tarnak.


Humans, namely the citizens of the Comkarthian Empire, are the
predominant race in this part of Tarnak. They are known for being jack-of-
all-trades, with an enormous capability of adjusting to their environment,
which lead them even to the most remote corners of the world.

In contrast to the inhabitants of other countries like Bartaslan or Trasganol,
the Comkarthians are often judged as privileged, or - more commonly
speaking - arrogant.


The seven clans of the dwarves live in the land of Tolkradim, located
beyond the Border Mountains which separate the wild lands from the
Vitarie plain.

They are ruled by their mysterious High-Thain, who dwells in the heart of
the mountains. Usually, all dwarves prefer to stay within their never-ending
mines. However, they sometimes leave their homes and team up with other
races. From time to time, these dwarves of clan Laks Thalon wander the
world, be it in search of greater riches or on a crusade against orckin. Don't
mess with them! Even though they are seldom taller than four feet, they
can quickly tailor you to eye level.


Not much is known about the elves. They live in the mysterious eternal
forest in the far south.

Due to whatever reason, all elven races have an affinity to magic, which is
also present in the wood elves. However, most of them prefer engaging in
typical activities like hiding in the forest or firing arrows at roaming orcs.

Their good combat reflexes and an outstanding perception make them fair
fellows - although no one really understands their jokes, if they ever make


Halflings, or "Hobbits" as they call themselves, live in rural areas within
their own land Korlach located south of the Comkarthian Empire.

Halflings don't happen to be interested in monsters, magic or religion,
except of Elkaria, the goddess of home and protection. Keeping their house
and the green in shape is a day-filling job and they do it thoroughly. The
few exceptions happen to accompany bands of different adventurers, in
hope of experiencing a nice adventure or hearing a fantastic tale. They are
careless. Others have to take care of them, else they are soon in the care of
a big jam.


For thousands of years the gnomes have been separated from the other
races of Tarnak and they still live within their strongholds deep below the
Ahtersgron Mountains in the far north.

Beside their addiction to all kind of mechanisms they are known for their
practical approach to the use of magic.

If a party is lucky enough to have a gnome magician of the house of
Gorapan with them, they should place a tanklike fellow in front and let the
artillery take care of the poor enemies.


The High Men of Algarot are said to be the most educated race in all
Tarnak. They share the versatility of humans but also have the elflike
affinity to magic.

Describing themselves as an "advanced civilization", they usually have
some problems dealing with other people who don't clean their hands
before taking a meal or laugh about bad jokes. They are drunk very fast
tho, which makes them good company nonetheless.


The tribe of Trasgarians who fled from the war of the humans settled down
in the northern rikes. Learning the tradition of the shamanistic religion,
they called themselves Bear-garians which is pronounced Barbarians in
Barensprak, the language of the northern rikes.If you ignore the permanent

complaint about the warm weather (despite the whatever temperature) you
will be rewarded by a furious warrior. Not quite as clever as the high men,
but with long-lasting breath whenever it comes to physical action.

The Classes


Warriors usually protect weaker members of a party and at the same time
make their weapons thin out the frontline of the enemy.

Weapons, armour, brute force and fun in kicking some asses. Hey it's a
warrior, what else do you expect?


Being trained in weapons and faith, the paladin is called a holy warrior.
While all gods of Tarnak have their own orders, the Paladin of Silversword
is a member of the Order of Light following the godmother Sodar. He can
pray for divine help, making him a valuable addition for any party. Because
of the divine nature of his spells, his spell points cannot be recharged by
mundane means (including Harmonic Gems).


The world of Tarnak is a hard and unfair place. Thanks to the rogues, the
distribution of goods and gold is a bit more just. Beside these self-
sacrificing deeds, a rogue is also somewhat trained in combat and has an
exceptional sense for danger.


These holy musicians are carrying the blessing of Lirudalin, the goddess of
joy, upon them. Their tunes will not only charm kings and ladies, but also
monsters and beasts. Beside the enjoyment of a good song, the bards also
use their magical powers to support the party.


Collecting and hunting have always been the elementary actions to get
one's stomach filled. At some point in history it was recognized that a good
hunter could make use of his deadly bow to kill more than just animals.
Keep on with this modern use of a hunter and let some shafts be fixed to
your enemies' breasts.


Religion is a central preoccupation of Tarnak's citizens. Beside other
traditions like the shamanistic lore or the ancestral worship, the faith in the gods is the main religion. As a servant of Zargan, lord of the battle, a monk is sent out into the world preaching his religious doctrines. Luckily, he also
has enough time serving Zargan by kicking some foes.


As an apprentice of the house of Harvon, the conjurer is specially trained in
spells conjuring and charming creatures. He can also summon all kinds of
useful items like a mug of beer, some limb a companion has lost in battle
or a ballista ready to fire. well at least he can try to.


House Gorapan calls its apprentices Magicians and trains them casting
elemental battle spells. This house of battle mages likes to provide magic
wielders with a subliminal tendency to brutality and you seldom find


Having become a master of magic, an apprentice can call himself a
sorcerer. Magic wielders of this rank are allowed to adopt the secret
knowledge of the Magicians' guild and to learn more powerful spells.


A grandmaster of one of the five lores of magic is called a wizard. They use
a very powerful kind of magic. Being the source of anger, a wizard usually
ends up with a very short lifespan, if not protected by heavy armour.


The seven archmages are the heads of the entire Magicians' guild. There is
no living creature on Tarnak that has a deeper understanding of magic
than these enlightened scholars. except perhaps Dragons and Daemon
lords. However, for safety reasons, it is not recommended to go into such a


Each character can carry a certain number of items in his inventory (Lite
Version = Unlimited, Full Version = 12 Items, stackables count as 1). Items
may be weapons, armour, consumables (wine, potions, arrows) or other
miscellaneous items (e.g. quest items, keys). Don't drop an item if you are
not sure if you may need it later. Rule of thumb: Important items can not
be sold to merchants! So better keep them.

The main stats of an item can be described using the follow information:


The Armour Class this item gives upon equipping it.


The damage this item will cause upon hitting an enemy. Your damage is
modified by your strength. Damage is shown in the format 1d8, meaning
one 8-sided dice is rolled (returning a random number between 1 and 8).
3d8 will give a result between 3 and 24. For every attack your fighters may
have, this damage is rolled and summed up.


If an item has a SV Bonus, it means that your Saving Value is modified.
Your Saving Value will help resisting enemy spells.


If an item grants a toHit Modification, your chance of landing an attack on
an enemy will increase.


An item can have a certain number of charges, indicated by a #. Arrows for
example come in packs of 20. With every attack, an arrow will be lost. The
same goes for other "consumables". If you use the item as often as the
number indicates, it will be gone for good after the last use.


Some items, for example Throwing Weapons, can be stacked. A stacked
item will occupy only one slot in your inventory. The game will aid you in

managing stacked items, mainly your throwing weapons - which will be
recovered by the attacker after a victory. The number of items in a stack
will be shown by [ ] brackets.


Throughout Tarnak, only a few Dwarven Runesmiths remain. The can
combine the power of runes with other items, mainly weapon and armour.

If you happen to find a rune, search for a runesmith. He can help you
attach the rune to a suitable container item. After that, the item will be
more powerful - but cannot be sold again, because the rune binds it to
your party, rendering it useless for other travellers. Not every runesmith can
process all runes. The most powerful runes can only be attached by special
rune masters, which might be very hard to find. But it's worth the effort.

Travelling around

As you walk around the different places of Silversword, you will encounter
certain specialities of the game.

Day and Night

A day lasts about 20 minutes gametime. In most overland places, your hit
points and your spell points will regenerate slowly during daylight (varying
through the nature of the place).

Once night falls, this regeneration stops. And beware - the creatures of the
night are mostly more dangerous than their daywalking fellows!

In addition, some shops may only open during daylight (or nighttime). You
can enter the ruin camp (or any other camp/inn) to take a rest, cure any
afflictions (also lose any active spell effects), and continue your journey on
the next day.


Some doors are locked. Then you may try to force them open - or let a
rogue pick the lock. In addition, the Trap Zap spell might open the door
for you.

But some doors require a special key - without this key, the door won't
open, no matter what you try.

To activate the door menu with options for opening it, just touch the door,
or bump into it.


Chests follow the same rules as locked doors, except that they might be
guarded by a trap! In addition, a certain game of intelligence and luck may
be needed before you can pick a chest's lock.

Chest Mini Game

The chest game is simple. A random word is generated for the chest, and
you have to guess it! Alas, some letters may be missing. indicated by a _

Once you enter the complete correct word, the chest will open.

If you miss the right word, it might happen that a trap will hit you, so be

The Trap Zap spell will help again - but you have to pay the price (spell

The more dangerous the place is, the more letters the word will have.

The better your Open Lock skill is, the more letters will be revealed to you
(so let the rogue do the job!).


The world of Tarnak is a dangerous world! Many creatures are evil and will
try to rob, murder and sometimes even eat you. Enemies can attack you at
certain spots, or may randomly spot you. As you travel along, you will
eventually recognize the fixed combat spots. Some enemies are meant to be
overcome before you can travel on. If you run away from them, your party
will be pushed back to where they come from.

Some enemies will gather again when you enter an area you visited before.

Others may be gone forever as soon as you defeat them.

Protect yourself, fight - or try to run away. But rewards will be given only
to those who are brave.

Each victory will give you a certain amount of experience points and gold
(shared among the surviviors). You may even find a valuable item or two.

The chance for getting more gold and more items increases in dungeon
areas (the areas where you need a light soure, as a rule of thumb). If you
happen to find a chest after a fight, you should open it - else you will only
get experience points (no gold, no items!). Waste your rogue, or waste your
spell points - it's worth the effort.

How Combat starts

A combat is made up of combat rounds.

Every round each participant has the chance to do one action (if capable1).

1 No action possible if: STUNNED, STONED, DEAD, INSANE or POSSESSED.

Before the combat begins, your enemies will be listed, with their distance
in relation to your party. The distance is given in feet. 10 feet distance is
the minimum. 10 feet means: melee range! Normally, your enemies have to
be in 10 feet distance before your melee fighters (first 4 slots) can attack
them. Exceptions: Extra long weapons, ranged and certain throwing

You will have some of the following commands to choose from for each


Will try to attack a random enemy of an enemygroup. If there is more than
one group, you will have to choose which one to attack. Remember: For
most melee weapons, the enemygroup has to be in 10 ft. range!

If the Attack option is not shown, the character has no suitable weapon
equipped (or is out of ammunition if wielding a bow).


Do nothing, keep your defences up. Adds 50% to your AC.


If the character has a bow equipped, AND suitable ammunition in his or
her inventory, the character will spend the round with equipping the
ammunition. If there is more than one type of ammo available, the most
lethal one is chosen.

Use Item

The character can use an item out of its inventory. If it is an item that must
be applied to another character, you can choose the target (e.g. healing
balm). If this option is not shown, the character carries no usable items.

Cast a spell

If the character is a caster, you may choose this option. After selecting a
spell you might have to select a target as well. In the heat of a combat you
have no chance of evaluating different spells, so better learn your tools
before a fight (Exception: Use the "Change equipment" option to view the
spell descriptions).

Hide in shadows

If the character has the "Hide" skill, it can try to hide in shadows. If
successful, it will advance 10 feet towards the enemies. The hidden status is
indicated by a grey character slot. If discovered, the hidden status will be
gone and any movement towards the enemies will be in vain.

If attacking from out of the shadows, the toHit chance is doubled as well as
the inflicted damage.

A hidden character won't be afflicted by enemy spells, and won't be

Change equipment

If you want to change the weapon of a character, or equip a special item, or
just recall your skill and spell descriptions, you can go into the character
screen with this action.

How combat is evaluated

At the beginning of each round, the initiative is determined. The dexterity
of a character plays a big role in this. Members with a high dexterity are
likely to act before others. Remember this when rolling for a new character.

The computer determines the initiative for your enemies as well.

After all actions are set, you can start the round.

The output window will show you the result of the fight in order of the

Some actions may not be performed - because the creature might not be
able to act anymore. If you kill a creature before it can attack, you made it!

If you know that enemies will likely be faster than you, you might want to
cast a healing spell during the first round (just in case of).

After all participants have acted, the round is complete.

If your enemies are dead, you have won the fight.

If your party members are dead, or no longer able to act - the game is over.


The Lite Version contains all features of the full version except that you
can raise your characters to level 6 only. In addition, the road to
Annsharbour is blocked.

Some more limitations and rule changes of the lite version:

- In the full version, there is an inventory limit of 12 items. The lite
version does not have such a limit.
- In the lite version you will gain only 50% experience points per fight.
- In the lite version the "Song of Life" will heal every party member, not
just a random one.
- The lite version contains only a fraction of the full version Game
Center achievements.
- You cannot class change your casters in the lite version.
- No wandering creature will offer to join your party.
- No In-App Purchases are available.

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