Here's the manual for Heywire. It's a freeby, but that doesn't mean it won't get better with time and effort.



PionEar Games

++1: the story

It's time for the party, and everything is set but the music. You've got the best sound system you could buy, (which isn't that great really--but it's yours,) which has four speakers. You put your favorite CD in the player and press the shuffle button. The song is ready and playing, and it sounds good. Now all that is left is to put the speakers where they should go.

++2 game play

+Keyboard-specific controls

The game play is straightforward and simple, even if the controls are a bit tricky to learn at first. Simply put the speakers where they go--that's it.

Use the e, d, s and f keys to move the left speakers, and the i, k, j, and l keys to move the right speakers. The front speakers are selected by default. To select the rear speakers, press enter. To attempt locking them down in the correct order, press the space bar. Each attempt takes points from your total score, and if the placing isn't at it's total best, that takes from the score too. To lock them down temporarily, press the t key, ad press it again to unlock them. (Note: since this is early beta, the scoring system has not yet been implemented.) Press a, semicolon, z, and slash to hear an audio trace of the wires that go to the front left, front right, rear left and rear right speakers respectively. Press g, h, b, and n to mute the front left, front right, right, rear left and rear right speakers respectively.

+Mouse-specific controls

To move a speaker up, left, down or right, simply move the mouse in that direction.

To select the left speakers, click the left mouse button once.

To select the right speakers, click the right mouse button once.

To attempt to lock down the speakers, double click either mouse button. You will still need to use enter to select front and rear speakers in this version.

++Other Game Elements

+The Wires

The wires may be the most important clue you have to where the speakers are, especially in later levels. You can press a, semicolon, z, and slash to trace the speaker wires from your head to the front left, front right, rear left, and rear right speakers respectively. The longer the sparking sound continues, the further away the speaker in question is. The higher the level you attain, the further the speakers may be placed.


One of the challenges you face as you complete this task is that the sounds drift, and as you reach higher and higher levels, the sounds of the speakers will drift more and more. Oh come on now, if the game was totally realistic it wouldn't be very fun to play! You will need to compensate for this drift by constantly working with the speakers until you have them precisely where you want them before locking them down. Again, the higher the level, the further the speakers may drift.


Each axis of the speakers can be locked down separately. In this version, since the scoring system is not yet developed, you can feel free to experiment as much as you wish with it. You will be told which axis of which speakers was locked down.

For example, if you hear, "Front Left x axis locked," then you know that the speaker is positioned correctly on that axis--not too far left of your head, but not over it either.


++Putting in your own songs

This process is a bit tricky, since you have to split it into its left nd right channels. Open your song with Goldwave or another sound editor, and delete the right channel. Then save the file as left1.wav (or whatever you are replacing,) as you see in the sounds folder. Then open the song again and delete the left channel. Make sure its length is exactly the same as the length of the left channel, and save it as right1.wav

++Plans for later Versions

So far, there is only one winning configuration that the computer recognizes, but I will probably add others in, including the possibility to reverse the rear speakers, which might give interesting stereophonic results. The moving up and down of speakers might be implementd, as well as having to stop the rotation of the listener so the music doesn't whirl around you. I also plan to add the scoring system, refine the way the game works, and add more songs. Any other ideas are welcome. Send them to

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