too bad you don't get any rep for doing that

From: "ryan chou" <>
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 5:28 PM
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] my impression of swamp 1.9

oh yeah, that's the best part of missions

On 4/4/12, Ken <> wrote:
You think the body fall sounds and the mp5 are godly? Wait till you use a
minigun in a mission, and hear four odies falling every time you hit the
utton.  That, my friend, is transendental!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Johnny Tai" <>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2012 5:50 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] my impression of swamp 1.9

So, after spending a goodly five hours on this marvel of a game, I thought

it's fair to let all those who have a hand in creating this wonderous
piece of work know what I think- but of course, most of you already know I

love it, but here goes anyway:
1. Love the falling body sound when zombies die- for some reason that just

adds alot more to the experience.
2: Love the new gun fixes, shotguns are actually fun now, and that
suppressed mp5 is just godly!
3: Finding missions still a bit hard at my current level- also, the high
rate of death during missions kinda scared me off some, but I reccon once
I get much higher level, I'll feel better about it- right now, after
walking around for hours and getting a suppressor and then lose it when
dying during a mission still hits me a bit hard.
4: Quests: I'm not sure if I'm just bad at this, but I can never find the
quest items- when it wanted sparkplug, I searched in the stores, never
found it, same with blanket- but again, I'm too small to risk the bridge
and other side at the moment, so maybe they're loading over there?
5: In some ways I like the current gun sounds- they make it easier to hear

if you miss or hit- but I do miss the old, more booming ones too- in
particular, the sniper rifle...the current one just seems a bit
6: I think there needs to be a way to identify who is where, like a player

tracker system- otherwise on missions or in groups, it's really hard to
find a player- they can give you their cord and all that, but they have to

stop to type, you have to stop to type when asking, it's kinda sluggish
when things are really hot.
Of course they can use the 'ove here' sound, but if there are three
players yelling 'over here' I wouldn't know which one if my buddy Peter
for example.
7: Maybe there should be a trading system where you can trade your new
found shotgun shells to someone who uses a shotgun in return for some 9MM rounds? I know you can sell them for reps at safe zone and buy things that

way...but the exchange rate is really not that great!
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It's almost a cinch you won't;
If you think you'll lose, you've lost,
For out in the world you'll find
Success begins with a fellow's will
It's all in the state of mind.
"Full many a race is lost
Ere even a race is run,
And many a coward fails
Ere even his work's begun.
Think big, and your deeds will grow,
Think small and you fall behind,
Think that you can, and you will;
It's all in the state of mind.
"If you think you are outclassed, you are;
You've got to think high to rise;
You've got to be sure of yourself
before You can ever win a prize.
Life's battle doesn't always go
To the stronger or faster man;
But sooner or later, the man who wins
Is the fellow who thinks he can."

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