Hi Michael,

I've been trying to give Spaceship a chance, but I am continually frustrated by the game. I just can't seem to figure it out.

However, you did answer one of the problems I was having. I was running it on a laptop, which unfortunately didn't have a numpad, so page up and page down weren't working. I wish Claudio would have thought of problems like this before releasing Spaceship as that is a pretty common issue. A lot of blind gamers have laptops, netbooks, etc and assuming the target system has a full sized keyboard is a big mistake.

Anyway, I haven't voted yet because I am trying to keep an open mind about the game, see if I can get into it, and hope Claudio releases a patch to fix some of these issues like the page up or page down keys. In the mean time I plan to play with it over the Easter holidays. I'll probably turn in my ratings early next week once I have had time to get use to the game.

On 4/5/2012 10:54 PM, Michael Feir wrote:
I play the game while using Jaws and found that only the pageup and
pagedown keys on the numberpad worked. There's also a sort of double
swish alert sound when an enemy is close or in the same passage or
something like that. I'm pretty impressed with this game overall
considering its short development time. Give it a chance. It grows on

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