Not sure about the MT part, but as to quests...some of lev15 ones are on the tough side if you're not suited up for them. Especially ones that require killing something. Pets make good tank though, buy one and use the order <pet> protect <your name> command and they can tank some of the hits for you. Also the fabricator 2e of recall sells buff potion that can heal you in combat. As far as equipments go, ask on gossip will generall get good things marketed for you. The vending machine has great items, the logo rings for example, can be worn on multiple spot- if you get 7 of them that'd buff your character a great deal. Also, at lower level melee fighting can be quite tough since you don't yet have the muscle power to do high damage, so energy weapons might be a good way to go- vending machine sells a basic energy gun, and I'm sure others would be able to market better ones if asked.

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