On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 05:52:17PM +0100, Steve Cotton wrote:

> PR game data, before Debian/Fedora's cleanup:
>   PR have stated these are non-free.
>   In the first few messages of that Happy Penguin thread, they
>   state that the GPL covers the engine code only.

Attached is a message I got from Stephen Sweeney in response to my request for
a clarification of what exactly was non-free. Since he only mentions that the
graphics of starfighter is non-free, I assumed that the graphics in blobwars
and blobandconquer are free.

Due to the HappyPenguin thread, and I guess private emails from the person who
discovered the non-free game assets, Stephen just wanted to give up so he
wouldn't be bothered by it anymore. I think that is why he put up a blanket
statement that all game data is non-free.

I'll try asking Stephen about the exact status of the graphics, and if
blobwars' and blobandconquer's graphics and 3D models are free, I'll ask him to
mention this in the games' tarballs and on the website.

Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
      Guus Sliepen <g...@debian.org>
--- Begin Message ---
Yep, sure is,

Project Starfighter has music from ModArchive which is not Free, has sound
effects that are not Free, and uses some images that are not Free.
Metal Blob Solid has music from ModArchive which is not Free and sound
effects that are not Free.
Virus Killer has music from ModArchive which is not Free and sound effects
that are not Free.
Blob And Conquer has music from ModArchive which is not Free and sound
effects that are not Free.

Sorry for the trouble, but my hand has been forced by bigots.


2008/8/16 Guus Sliepen <g...@sliepen.org>

> On Sat, Aug 16, 2008 at 08:54:24PM +0100, Stephen Sweeney wrote:
> > The offending data is music, sound effects and graphics for all packages
> > (blobwars, blobAndConquer, viruskiller and starfighter).
> That's not really an answer to my question. I cannot believe all of it is
> problematic?
> --
> Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
>      Guus Sliepen <g...@debian.org>
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The Battle for the Solar System

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