Hmmmm, this could become a game of picking and choosing, but here's how
things stack up (non-Free)

Starfighter - Music, sound effects, graphics
Metal Blob Solid - Music and sound effects
Blob And Conquer - Music, sound effects and likely some of the textures
Virus Killer - Music and sound effects
Legend of Edgar - Music and sound effects

When I was originally approached about packaging the games for Linux
distributions, I pointed out that many of the resources were non-Free, but I
was told that this didn't matter, since the resources could just be packaged
separately. I guess that wasn't really how it worked out.

Replacing the resources is certainly an option, but could be very time
consuming. However, if people are willing to give it a go, then there is no

Hope that helps,


2009/9/10 Sylvain Beucler <>

> Hello,
> I'm part of the FreeDesktop Games group and the Debian Games Team.
> First, thanks for working on the great Parallel Realities games :)
> There was some recent debate on the license used on the games data.
> From what we could gather, most of the sounds and musics were picked
> from the Internet and so may not be freely distributable - but several
> people are interested in providing replacements for the sounds, as
> well as in packaging versions without sound meanwhile, this is being
> fixed already.
> So we are wondering about all the other data, that Parallel Realities
> crafted: the game levels, the texts, the 3D models, the textures, the
> cutscenes, etc.  Are they released under the GNU GPL, like the game
> engine?
> There is a note on the website stating that data is non-free, and
> we're unsure whether this applies to these data too.  Could you
> clarify?  Perhaps we can work on a list of files, or we can use
> categories of works like "everything except the musics and sounds".
> Ideally, we'd like you to mention it in the source releases and on the
> website.  Alternatively, mentioning it in this discussion while
> keeping the mailing list in Cc: would help too.
> By the way, our question concerns Blob Wars, Blob and Conquer,
> StarFigher, Virus Killer, but also The Legend of Edgar, which is
> newer.
> All the best with your games and books :)
> --
> Sylvain

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