On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 10:50, Hans de Goede <hdego...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Agreed, I would love to get some input on this from other distros too.
> I propose that if we can get some sort of agreement between the people
> now actively involved we create a "how to be a good games upstream"
> wiki page on freedesktop.org, with a list at the bottoms which distro's
> have made / agree with the rules listed. Then we can send an announcement
> to lwn.net and a few others, and hopefully get more distro's to sign,
> or restart the discussion.

Aye. Labelling it as 0.1 (or 1.0 to get some buzz going) and stating
explicitly that feedback is welcome would help to get in new people
while already providing something to work with.

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