Comment #2 on issue 1173 by gnt-instance move > socat: E certificate is valid but its commonName does not match hostname

I reported this independently as #1179, and there is some more detail there.

I don't think this is anything to do with the name in the *cluster* certificate.

If you move an instance from nodeX to nodeY, then nodeY has a listening SSL socket, and nodeX makes an outbound connection to nodeY. However, from what I can see, ganeti is passing nodeY's IP address (not hostname) to socat to establish the connection.

socat 1.7.3 now enforces that the certificate name of the target host must match the name of the host you are connecting to. From man socat:

NOTE: Up to version the server certificate was only checked for validity against the system certificate store or cafile or capath, but not for match with the server’s name or its IP address. Since version socat checks the peer certificate for match with the <host> parameter or the value of the openssl-com‐ monname option. Socat tries to match it against the certificates subject common‐ Name, and the certifications extension subjectAltName DNS names.

The node certificates do contain the correct commonname:

root@nuc2:~# openssl x509 -in /var/lib/ganeti/client.pem -noout -text | grep CN

The problem is that ganeti should be passing the hostname, not IP address, to socat.

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