With Matt's blessing, I am pleased to announce a new ganglia web page: The Compact View.

This page shows a more condensed view of a cluster, with load and basic hardware (CPUs, MEM, etc) of each node all on one page. I have also made several improvements to the existing pages, and added a "timestamp" type to gmond. The timestamp type helps identify the boottime, reported metrics, and makes their display on the pages cleaner.

I have tested the website code with gmetad data from the millenium cluster and several of our Rocks clusters here in San Diego. The changes are all in CVS.

The full changelogs are available in the CVS repository:




To help alleviate Matt's workload, I will be helping out with the Ganglia webpages. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to send me mail.


NPACI Rocks, SDSC, San Diego
GPG Fingerprint: 3C5E 47E7 BDF8 C14E ED92  92BB BA86 B2E6 0390 8845

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