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i'm just checking in to tell you where i am right now on g3.  to get the 
latest snapshot of the code visit...
i've run this snapshot through valgrind and tested it on linux and 
windows.  let me know if any other platforms have problems.

i also have a demo gmetad running for you to take a look at.  if you 
telnet to merlot.CS.Berkeley.EDU port 8651, you will be connecting with my 
windows 2k box (that's right.. g3 runs happily on windows and i love 

the data you will receive is real and plugged directly into two different
g2 data streams from clusters here in the CS department.

when you connect.. gmetad expects to get two lines of data from you: ou 
filter and mu filter (i'll be adding a few more in the coming days..).  
the filters are to be specified using extended regular expressions (it's 
also case IN-sensitive).


% telnet merlot.CS.Berkeley.EDU 8651
Connected to merlot.CS.Berkeley.EDU.
Escape character is '^]'.

that will return all hosts and metrics that merlot has (you can just hit 
your <enter> key twice .. by default the regex ".*" is used).

% telnet merlot.CS.Berkeley.EDU 8651
Connected to merlot.CS.Berkeley.EDU.
Escape character is '^]'.

will give you the number of CPUs on each machine (and summarize) over the 
entire Millennium Cluster (the other cluster name is Oceanstore).


will give you all the memory stats for Oceanstore.


will give you all info about machine mm56 of the millennium cluster and so 
on and so on.

- ------------------------------ one day passes -------------------------

i let gmetad run on my pentiumII win2k box w/256mb memory overnight to
watch it and gather some stats.  it is stable with no memory leaks.  
gmetad is monitoring 135 machines.  i'm been watching it in the windows
task manager and it's using 7,640K of main mem and 5,748K of virtual
memory.  it show 00% CPU with an occasional spike of 02% CPU when it
collects data from the remote clusters.  over an hour, gmetad has used
about 46 seconds of CPU.  for comparison, an idle IE 5 process on the same
machine is using 18,412K of main memory and 13,408K or virtual memory.

i want to explain a little more about the g3 design.  

gmond will be deaf in g3.  it will be responsible for loading monitoring 
modules and sending alert and status messages on the real-time wire.  
that's all.  i'm certain that i can make gmond be more efficient than it's 
g2 conterpart based on my tests so far (not that gmond 2 takes many 
resources at all really).

the most significant change in g3 will be gmetad (mostly because it is
where the most changes are needed. :)).  gmetad will be responsible for
collecting and sharing data.  people have talked about wanting the freedom
to design whether data is pushed or pulled.  with g3, gmetad will open
some ports to receive incoming data (xml streams or s-expr packets) and
export all or part of it's data on other ports.  this model allows gmetad
to share all or part of it's knowledge on each port.  it also allows
gmetad to act as a proxy and forward real-time s-expr packets up the
hierarchy if an admin wants that.  in short gmetad can push or pull data 
around any way that admins need it.

i'm monitoring the i.p. addresses that connect to the demo gmetad.  if any
_ganglia developer_ (crazy denial-of-service hackers need not apply) can
crash gmetad (not my entire machine please), send me your ip address (so
that i can confirm it) and i'll send you a check for $25.  i know it's not
much but i work at a university.  :)  i'm pretty sure it's solid as is.  
feel free to browse the source code ./apps/gmetad.c for ideas of how to
crash it.

if you notice gmetad is responding a little slower around 6pm it's because 
the win2k box is my gaming box and i'm likely playing aa:o or 1942.  :)

- -matt

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