On Mon, 2004-03-22 at 09:46, Jason A. Smith wrote:
> The only question I have is how will the webfrontend scripts handle the
> possibility of different rrd formats.  Will they read the gmetad config
> file to see what format the rrds were created  with and give different
> options for plotting the data?

the web frontend works with the format the way that it is (i'm running
the new 2.6.0 right now on my laptop).  but as you say.. it doesn't take
advantage of the new format.  the change will be pretty simple.

currently, we ask the person how far back they would like to graph:
hour, day, week, etc and we always locked it to now.  from now to a week
ago.. from now to a day ago.

we just need to change the frontend to allow you to change now to
something else.. say 1 week ago.  then you can say .. from 2 weeks ago
to 1 week ago... or from 3 weeks ago to 1 week ago.. or whatever.


> How will the webfrontend be modified to take advantage of the new
> format?  If more detail is going to be kept for a longer time then it
> might be useful to be able to select the end time in addition to the
> start time for the plots, or maybe just the time spanned in the plots. 
> With different formats possible in the rrds you might at least need to
> have different options for the start time.
> ~Jason
> On Fri, 2004-03-19 at 18:14, Matt Massie wrote:
> > i just checked in changes to cvs and created a new 2.6.0 snapshot which
> > is available (along w/RPMs) at http://matt-massie.com/ganglia/
> > .
> > 
> > this version allows you to configure gmetad round-robin archives any way
> > that you like.
> > 
> > the default archives are (from the code)...
> > config->num_rras = 4;
> > config->rras = (char **) malloc (sizeof(char *) * config->num_rras);
> > /* 1 hour of 15 sec samples */
> > config->rras[0] = strdup("RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:15:240");
> > /* 1 day of 6 minute samples */
> > config->rras[1] = strdup("RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:360:240");
> > /* 1 month of hourly samples */
> > config->rras[2] = strdup("RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:3600:744");
> > /* 1 year of daily samples */    
> > config->rras[3] = strdup("RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:86400:365");
> > 
> > people can alter the round-robin archive format via a gmetad.conf option
> > "round_robin_archives".  it is a list of archives... for example.. 
> > 
> > round_robin_archives "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:15:240"
> > 
> > would force gmetad to run with only one round-robin archive (1 hour of
> > 15 second samples)
> > 
> > round_robin_archives "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:3600" "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:3600:240"
> > 
> > would force gmetad to run with two archives a (1 hour of 1 sec samples)
> > and (1 day of 6 minute samples)
> > 
> > to learn more about round-robin archives.. visit...
> > http://www.rrdtool.com/manual/rrdcreate.html
> > 
> > the data-source names, step and heartbeat are not configurable (and
> > really shouldn't be).  altering them will prevent the front-end from
> > know where to find data... it needs to know the data-source DS names.
> > 
> > i haven't added the explicit NaN processing to gmetad... going to do
> > that now.
> > 
> > another quick question...
> > 
> > would anyone object if i changed to the location of the databases to use
> > the IP address of hosts instead of their fully-qualified name?  there is
> > no nice answer here but i think it's the best of three evils.
> > 
> > feedback?
> > -matt
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