
i've just uploaded a new 2.6.0 snapshot to

we are getting much closer to a working beta for users to start testing. this snapshot will listen to any number of defined udp/mcast channels and output valid XML to any number of defined tcp ports. (run "man ./gmond/gmond.conf.5" for details).

speaking of valid XML... the XML gmond has been outputting to this point has not been valid according to the old DTD.

if you look at the old DTD at the top you see
it should (and now does) read

thanks to the ganglia user that pointed this out. i've tested this new snapshot by running something like

while true; do nc localhost 8666 | xmllint --valid --noout -; done

and all the outputted xml from the 2.6.0 gmond was valid.

i removed the "key_ugly.h" file from the distribution since it's not needed any more (thank god).

all the 2.5.x metric meta info is found in the ./lib/protocol.x file. there are two functions Ganglia_25metric_bykey() and Ganglia_25metric_byname() which lookup the meta info for 2.5.x metrics.

the next step is to build in the collecting and sending of metrics. i get to work on it immediately and hope to have a working snapshot to you guys soon.

i tested this snapshot on cygwin with good results too.

let me know if you have any problems.

i'm going to announce the new bugzilla page today as well. it will be definitely be necessary to have for beta testers to report problems with 2.6.0 beta.


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   They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
      temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
  --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

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