
i've just built what i think it a complete snapshot (meaning all features are working as they should).

this latest snapshot adds
- support for "ttl" on multicast udp_send_channel definitions
- fixed a minor bug in cygwin metric collection
- has brooks fix for preventing a memory leak on freebsd in low memory conditions

i've built all the file formats for a release at

if you want an old snapshot for some reason, they are available at

the rpms seem to work (i installed gmond/gmetad/web and it worked).

i have a question about the rpms.

i don't know exactly how to handle the configuration file conversion.
currently, the rpm installs and default gmond.conf in /etc/ unless a file by that name exists and then it creates the file as /etc/gmond.conf.rpmnew.

to convert the file requires something like

  % mv /etc/gmond.conf /etc/gmond.conf.bak
  % gmond --convert /etc/gmond.conf.bak > /etc/gmond.conf

i don't know if i really want that in the rpm (other than echoing the need to run the commands to the terminal).

to do this Right i'll need to build code to determine if a configuration file is version 2.5.x or 2.6.x (which i don't have yet). the logic would be something like.

if(/etc/gmond.conf doesn't exist)
  install the rpm default /etc/gmond.conf
if(/etc/gmond.conf DOES exist)
    if(/etc/gmond.conf is old format)
       convert to new format
       install new rpm gmond.conf as /etc/gmond.conf.rpmnew

i always get nervous making too many things automatic (it seems it always bites you) especially given the trusted_hosts option might get mangled or something (it shouldn't but things happen).

how would you guys like the rpm to behave?  what makes sense?

i'd like to announce 2.6.0 to the users soon.

p.s. i'm working on building the windows installer. it'll be in the directory shortly.

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   They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
      temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
  --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

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