i've updated the announcement to read...

  Darwin metric collection greatly improved
        Darwin now supports "mem_total", "bytes_in", "bytes_out",
        "pkts_in", "pkts_out", "proc_run", "disk_total", "disk_free"
        and "part_max_used" metrics. Special thanks to Sebastian
        Hagedorn, Glen Beane, Joshua Durham, Eric Wages and Brian
        Peterson for their work on MacOS X.

thanks for catching that!

Glen Beane wrote:
In WHATS_NEW, you mention that darwin has better support for mem_total,
but also new to this release will be bytes/packets in/out, proc_run (you
mention better process accounting, so that's covered), disk_total,
disk_free, and part_max_used (although I don't think I tested that one).

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   They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
      temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
  --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

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