On Tue, Mar 15, 2005 at 03:23:32PM +0000, Matt Massie wrote:
> guys-
> i just put what i believe will be the 3.0.1 release at
> http://matt-massie.com/ganglia/
> i'm not going to release it until we've tested it here longer and you 
> guys find it works well for you.
> 3.0.1.
> fixes a bug in gmond using unicast only where a network failure to the 
> listening gmond can cause the sending gmonds to block indefinitely.
> fixes a bug in libmetrics for collecting network statistics on 2.6.x 
> linux kernels.
> adds a feature to gmetad that allows you to specify custom round-robin 
> archives in gmetad.conf.
> fixes a bug in ganglia.spec for starting and stopping ganglia services.

I've got some patches in the works to fix major bugs in the FreeBSD
metrics code (the CPU metrics are currently entirely bogus).  I'll try
to get them in today but I'm kinda sick so it may not be until tomorrow.

> i also have another question for you guys.
> how much do you love/hate java?  how would you feel about having gmetad 
> written in java?
> i only ask because i'm playing around with jrobin 
> (http://www.jrobin.org/) and it has some features that rrdtool does not 
> which we really need.  for example... in-memory rrds (sync to disk 
> whenever you like).. dynamically altering rrd data sources/archives... 
> databases are cross-platform.
> i'm not sold on this idea at all but i wanted to get some early feedback 
> before i allow my mind to wander any further.

Java is a huge dependency problem unless you happen to be on a platform
like Linux that Sun cares about.  Obtaining and installing Java is a
pain on FreeBSD.  It's not impossible by any means, but Sun's
distribution requirements make it difficult to automate.  I'm not
totally against it, especially since the in-memory stuff sounds really
nice, but it's certainly big dependency (a LOT bigger then apr or

-- Brooks

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