I need help understanding two things.

I currently have a grid. One of the clusters in the grid is named "staiu" and the "grid" level web page reports that this has 8 hosts containing 4 cpus. In actuality, this has 8 hosts each containing 4 cpus, but apparently the hosts are not reporting the current number of cpus to the front end. Why not? I recently restarted gmond on each of the 8 hosts.

Another cluster is named "staqp05-08" and the "grid" level web page reports that this has 12 hosts. In actual fact, it only has 4 hosts. The extra 8 hosts are the 8 hosts of the 'staiu' cluster. On the cluster level page for staqp05-08, the "choose a node" pull down menu lists the 8 staiu hosts, and the "hosts up" number contains the staiu hosts, and there are undrawn graphs for each of the staiu hosts in the "load one" section. What do I have to do so that the web pages or gmond daemons or whatever won't think that the staqp cluster contains the staiu hosts? What is the specific mechanism that causes this association to persist despite having shutdown all staqp gmond daemons and both the gmond and gmetad daemons on the web server, simultaneously, and then starting up that collection of daemons?

Thanks, Chuck

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