
I want to recap a few things about the windows gmond agent.

A windows version of the ganglia server (gmetad etc) does not exist.
The windows versions of gmond and gmetric do exist, but with caveats.

The windows agent is compiled under cygwin and runs under cygwin.
Using cygwin for gmond.exe seemed reasonable - one would be able
to clone the linux agent code and get a windows agent going quickly.

Unfortunately it is cygwin itself (and not ganglia) that causes problems
by not imlpementing all the metrics that it should in /proc.

So the cygwin things wrong include:

Not implemented:         load_one, load_five, load_15, proc_run,
Partially implemented:  memory metrics (e.g. mem_free), and memory
                        do not report total memory correctly above 2.5
gig or so.
Broken I think:         disk space metrics.

So you get enough metrics for an HPC cluster (maybe), but not nearly
 for general computing machines.

Most crippling of all is that the PHP code for the user interface
uses load_one to either dislplay in a graph or it is used for list
ordering etc.
In other graphs, say the memory_report, if a metric is not recorded then
the whole graph fails to render even if other metrica for the graph are

A native windows agent may be available from a company in switzerland.
I can supply a contact if you like.

Richard Grevis
Production Architecture
Barclays Capital, Canary Wharf, London, E14 4BB
*DDI : +44 (0) 20 7773 4915
 * richard.grevis

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