I have just entered an enhancement request and patch in bugzilla (bug #135) to 
add wildcard support to the include directive of gmond.  This will allow the 
include statement to process all configuration files within a directory that 
matches the specified file pattern.  By doing this, the overall gmond 
configuration can be modularized and modified without having to change the main 
gmond.conf configuration file.  For example, a new metric definition could be 
added to the configuration by simply creating a small .conf file that contains 
only the definition for the new metric and copying that file to a conf.d 
directory.  Then on the next restart of gmond, the new configuration will be 
read and processed as if it were part of the main gmond.conf file but without 
having to alter gmond.conf.

Please review this patch and let me know if this would be an appropriate 
addition to gmond.


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