Dear Ganglia community:

For those who have been following our development, you know that we
have recently created a new branch for 3.1, which when stabilized,
will become the first release in the 3.1.x series (probably will be
called 3.1.1).

I just cut the first snapshot and the files are available here:

** This is a development snapshot and is not ready for production use yet **

For those who are interested in performing a test upgrade from an
older installation (3.0.x), the RPM will automatically move your
current configurations (gmond.conf, gmetad.conf) to the new
configuration location (/etc/ganglia).  However, for gmond, the 3.0.x
conf will not work.  Please use the patch file gmond-3.1.patch
(available in the above URL) to patch your gmond.conf prior to
starting, otherwise gmond will fail to startup.

Some development highlights:
- New C/Python module support for dynamically plugging metrics into
gmond directly
- Memory metrics are converted from int to float to get around issue of > 4TB
- Metrics come with additional data, like group, descriptive title
which are used in the frontend
- Metrics in frontend metrics view are now grouped and can be hidden
(javascript must be enabled)
- Manpages for all ganglia components (gmond, gmetad, gmetric, gstat)
are now included in RPM
- apr, expat, confuse libraries are removed from source tree. Ganglia
will dynamically use system provided libraries by default, this can be
overridden using ./configure options
- Code for report graph creation is now modularized in graph.d/
directory under docroot which facilitates creation of new custom
report graphs
- Added support for DragonFlyBSD
- Numerous bugfixes

Please help the developers test this snapshot especially if you use
Ganglia on non-Linux platforms.  This will help us stabilize the tree
quicker and get the release out sooner.

If you encounter any issues, please get in touch with the developers

Thanks for your support!

(on behalf of the Ganglia Development Team)

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