I pulled from the subversion trunk last night and got to looking at the
gmetad-python bits out of curiosity. I tried running the gmetad.py script

python ./gmetad.py

after copying the bits to a separate directory but i get the following
when it attempts to start up:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./gmetad.py", line 43, in ?
    from gmetad_gmondReader import GmondReader
 line 40, in ?
    from gmetad_config import GmetadConfig, getConfig
 line 46, in ?
    class GmetadConfig:
 line 69, in GmetadConfig
    _cfgDefaults = {
NameError: name 'RRD_ROOTDIR' is not defined

now in the gmetad_config.py script I see the following:

    _cfgDefaults = {
            DEBUG_LEVEL : 2,
            LOGFILE : None,
            PIDFILE : None,
            DATA_SOURCE : [],
            SCALABLE : True,
            GRIDNAME : 'unspecified',
            AUTHORITY : 'http://%s/ganglia/' % getfqdn(),
            TRUSTED_HOSTS : [],
            ALL_TRUSTED : False,
            SETUID : True,
            SETUID_USERNAME : 'nobody',
            XML_PORT : 8651,
            INTERACTIVE_PORT : 8652,
            SERVER_THREADS : 4,
            RRD_ROOTDIR : '/var/lib/ganglia/rrds',
            PLUGINS_DIR : '/usr/lib/ganglia/gmetad/plugins'

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