On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 05:53:46PM -0700, Bernard Li wrote:
> Hi guys (Stu):
> Looking at the logs of the debian/ dir in our repo, it has mostly not
> been updated for the past 5 years.  This leads me to conclude that Stu
> actually does not create his packages from there.

Yes, I've never used it, and in fact wasn't even arare of it. For 
various reasons it's usually easier for me to maintain my tree 
independantly, though with 3.1.x this is becoming less of an issue.

> So the question is do we want to keep this around?
> Also, what are the plans for Debian packages for 3.1.x?  It would be
> great to be able to push this upstream and replace the really old
> 2.5.x series packages in the Debian world.

I have test 3.1.x packages available at 

and am cuurrently working on newer ones based on the last snapshot. I'm 
working through a few issues atm, but hopefully I can push these into 
debian experimental fairly soon. Depending on timescales we might miss 
the lenny release however.

Apologies for slow turnaround on packaging lately, home and work life 
have been somewhat crazy. If anyone is interested in helping out or 
comaintaining the packages I'd lvoe to hear from you.


>From the prompt of Stu Teasdale

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