On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 08:46:11AM -0600, Brad Nicholes wrote:
> At the developers meeting last Feb. we talked about what to do with new module

user provided modules are a special kind of contribution, and my impression was
that the idea was to create some sort of web based reference page that could
be used for other users to locate them to avoid duplicated work (as it is done
now for gmetric scripts, and just like apache does for their DSO).

for an apache like repository of modules to work, we probably would need some
more work into building tools that what has done for ganglia-config and the
public headers though (like apxs), some more clear documentation (like the
one that was part of the rejected proposals for the language tag) and some
sort of web application directory like "http://modules.apache.org/";.

of course that would also require some sort of infrastructure to use (like
a server to host it) and we couldn't come out at the time with a solution for

> and other types of contributions such as utility scripts.  A new contrib/
> directory was created by hawson in March.

that was I think unrelated with the debate about a module repository that we
had at the summit and more linked to the immediate need of distributing useful
user provided stuff like the SMF profiles needed to run ganglia in Solaris 10
as you can see by (also linked into the STATUS file) :


> I don't think we should just be dumping anything that lands in contrib/
> into our builds.

what would be the rationale for that?


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