On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 11:37:35AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I notice that the web package deploys files under /var/www/html/ganglia

`make install` makes no assumptions on your web frontend layout and doesn't
install anything for the web frontend, so you are probably referring to
the RPM here.

> Would it be feasible to have a more elaborate structure by default, for
> security and felixibility:
> - config.php in /etc/ganglia
> - library files (PHP files that are only included from other files)
> under /usr/lib/ganglia/web 
> - Other PHP, HTML and templates under:
>       /usr/share/ganglia/web
>       /usr/share/ganglia/template
> - add /etc/httpd/conf.d/ganglia.conf to the RPM, with some variation of
> the following content:

this is done that way in the Fedora/EPEL packages, so if you are using
Fedora/RHEL/CentOS will be better served by using their packages which
are integrated better with their distribution.

our provided packages tend to do several generalizations to try to support
everything that can use an RPM, including AIX and so its integration with each
one of them might not be as good/secure as done by the distributions
themselves (which each have their own different spec).


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