On Mar 7, 2010, at 10:57 AM, Daniel Pocock wrote:

> Peter Phaal wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> We are considering using libmetrics as a stand-alone library. In its current 
>> form, with the separate configure script, it looks like it would ideally 
>> suite our purposes. I noticed a recent discussion about dropping the 
>> separate configure script[1] and wanted to express our interest in keeping 
>> it. The discussion also mentioned licensing. It looks like all the elements 
>> of the library are 
> As I see it, the current libmetrics/configure is broken, and the way it
> is invoked is also broken:
> - when it is invoked from the top-level configure, none of the command
> line options are passed to it, this is particularly bad for
> cross-compiling, multilib, etc
> - many of the configure tests are run twice on each build, which is
> inefficient and painful for developers, configure takes a long time on
> Cygwin in particular
> - code has to be duplicated across both configure scripts
> As I see it, there are three ways forward:
> a) separate libmetrics into an independent project, independent package,
> etc with a well defined API - this would be ideal if there is genuine
> demand from projects like yours, as you wouldn't have to download all of
> Ganglia just to play with libmetrics
> b) scrap the separate configure script, merge it into the top-level
> configure.  If someone does only want to build libmetrics, they can
> still do so by running a command like this:
>   ./configure --enable-static && make -C libmetrics
> c) hack the scripts even more to deal with the problems I have described
> (e.g. passing command line options to the nested configure)
> I have endorsed solution (b) simply because it is easier and I was
> unaware of demand for option (a).  If there is demand for option (a),
> then I have no objection to that solution.  The only solution I object
> to is (c), the status quo.

Option a, separate libmetrics into an independent package would best serve our 
purposes. More generally, a stand-alone library would encourage developers to 
add support in scripting languages and make it much easier to write portable 
performance monitoring tools. 

I am not aware of an alternative to libmetrics providing similar capabilities. 
Most performance monitoring tools seem to be proprietary, or tied to specific 
operating systems. An independent package would encourage a wider set of 
developer contributions since it would engage a broader developer community. 
The library would encourage consistency between tools reporting on system 
performance, making it easier to compare results.

It looks like libmetrics is already fairly independent, requiring only a few 
simple utility functions from lib (e.g. lib/file.c) that could be replicated in 
order to create a stand-alone library. If changes are needed to the build 
process for libmetrics anyway (option b), then it doesn't look like it would be 
much extra work to make the library independent (option a).

>> Is there a document that describes the standard set of metrics in the 
>> library? I am looking for a document with formal/semi-formal definitions for 
>> each metric that I could cite when referencing metric names in an sFlow XDR 
>> structure[4].
> I am not aware of such a document, anyone else can comment?  Maybe it
> could be done in the wiki

The best I could find was the following table from the README. The table 
doesn't list all the platforms correctly (I did a couple of spot checks and 
darwin includes cpu_num, cpu_speed .. but is not listed in the table) and 
doesn't provide much detail. 

       This table describes all the metrics that ganglia collects and shows
        what platforms the metric are supported on. (The following table is
        only partially complete).

          Metric Name    Description                             Platforms
          boottime      System boot timestamp                    l,f
          bytes_in      Number of bytes in per second            l,f
          bytes_out     Number of bytes out per second           l,f
          cpu_aidle     Percent of time since boot idle CPU      l
          cpu_idle      Percent CPU idle                         l,f
          cpu_nice      Percent CPU nice                         l,f
          cpu_num       Number of CPUs                           l,f
          cpu_speed     Speed in MHz of CPU                      l,f
          cpu_system    Percent CPU system                       l,f
          cpu_user      Percent CPU user                         l,f
          disk_free     Total free disk space                    l,f
          disk_total    Total available disk space               l,f
          load_fifteen  Fifteen minute load average              l,f
          load_five     Five minute load average                 l,f
          load_one      One minute load average                  l,f
          location      GPS coordinates for host                 e
          mem_buffers   Amount of buffered memory                l,f
          mem_cached    Amount of cached memory                  l,f
          mem_free      Amount of available memory               l,f
          mem_shared    Amount of shared memory                  l,f
          mem_total     Amount of available memory               l,f
          mtu           Network maximum transmission unit        l,f
          os_name       Operating system name                    l,f
          os_release    Operating system release (version)       l,f
          part_max_used Maximum percent used for all partitions  l,f
          pkts_in       Packets in per second                    l,f
          pkts_out      Packets out per second                   l,f
          proc_run      Total number of running processes        l,f
          proc_total    Total number of processes                l,f
          swap_free     Amount of available swap memory          l,f
          swap_total    Total amount of swap memory              l,f
          sys_clock     Current time on host                     l,f

          Platform key:
          l = Linux, f = FreeBSD, a = AIX, c = Cygwin
          m = MacOS, i = IRIX, h = HPUX,  t = Tru64
          e = Every Platform

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