Hi all:

You guys may be aware that I have checked the patch into trunk earlier today:


Thanks to Neil and Peter for all the hard work and Brad for reviewing it.

If I could make just one comment: right now if I run gmond in debug
mode, it shows that the sFlow metrics are actually spoofed gmond
metrics.  Is there a way to make it so they are labelled sFlow

Perhaps we should start a separate thread to discuss Kostas' idea of
having a pluggable interface for metric sources.  With sFlow support,
gmond can now handle both gmond sources and sFlow sources.  With a
pluggable interface, we could in the future be able to aggregate data
collected by other tools, such as collectd, collectl, etc.  The
possibilities are endless.

What do you guys think?



On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 12:57 PM, Brad Nicholes <bnicho...@novell.com> wrote:
> Apparently DNSSD is not working for me.  I don't have access to the DNS 
> server so my guess is the #4 below is not set properly.  I turned off DNSSD 
> and instead manually added a collector which pointed to my Ganglia server 
> running the enabled gmond.  After restarting hsflowd, I started to see 
> packets showing up on the gmond server.  After fixing another gmetad 
> configuration problem, my box running sflow showed up.  Very cool.
> Brad
>>>> On 10/18/2010 at 12:50 PM, in message
> <4d8a91b2-20d9-45a2-aea8-1de79d656...@inmon.com>, Neil McKee
> <neil.mc...@inmon.com> wrote:
>> It sounds like you are on the right track,  but here is a little hsflowd
>> troubleshooting checklist...
>> On the source (box running hsflowd):
>> (1).  Any error messages in /var/log/messages?
>> (2).  Check /etc/hsflowd.conf,  is the collector set,  or is DNSSD=on?
>> (3).  If using DNSSD, is the "search" setting correct in /etc/resolv.conf?
>> (4).  If using DNSSD,  are the SRV and TXT records in the zone file on the
>> DNS server?
>> (5).  You can run hsflowd at the shell prompt with debug logging:  "root>
>> hsflowd -dd"
>> On the destination (box running gmond):
>> (6).  sFlow enabled in gmond.conf?
>> (7).  check firewall settings (e.g. "root> iptables --list")
>> (8).  Watch for an sFlow packet arriving every 20 seconds or so:  "root>
>> /usr/sbin/tcpdump -n udp port 6343"
>> (Just remember that tcpdump sees packets before they hit the firewall,  so
>> check (7) may still apply)
>> On the UI:
>> Should look exactly the same as is if gmond were running on the source too.
>> Regards,
>> Neil
>> On Oct 18, 2010, at 10:46 AM, Bernard Li wrote:
>>> Hi Brad:
>>> On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 9:55 AM, Brad Nicholes <bnicho...@novell.com> wrote:
>>>> I built gmond with the sflow patch and got it up and running.  Then I
>> downloaded hsflowd from the sourceforge project as described in the gmond
>> doc.  hsflowd build and installed as expected and everything seemed to be up
>> and running.  I also added the extra udp_recv_channel block to the gmond.conf
>> file.  But now after everything is up and running, I don't see anything
>> different in Ganglia.  The web front end is just showing the same monitored
>> computers as it did before with the same metrics. If I query gmond through
>> telnet, I am not seeing any new metrics or spoofed nodes.  What am I missing?
>>>> I also tried to trace the network traffic on one of the machines that is
>> running hsflowd for anything from port 6343.  I'm not seeing anything there
>> either even though the box says that hsflowd is running.  I currently have
>> hsflowd running on two different boxes.  One is a SLED 10 box and the other
>> is a SLES 10 box.
>>> You will need 2 hosts to test this, one running gmond and the other
>>> running hsflowd (don't run gmond on this host).
>>> On gmond.conf, add the extra udp_recv_channel as you had done and on
>>> the hsflowd.conf, follow these instructions:
>>> http://bugzilla.ganglia.info/cgi-bin/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=276#c5
>>> Then the hsflowd host should show up on the gmond XML stream as if
>>> it's running gmond.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Bernard

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