Hi all:

For those of you following Ganglia development closely, you would've
noticed that I have recently created the monitor-web-2.0 branch and
Vladimir and I have been doing some steady commits.

This is basically Vladimir's frontend re-write work which would
eventually be a separate top-level project following its own release
cycle.  The code in question also includes some of Erik Kastner's
initial Graphite integration work.

Here's Vladimir's screencast on new features:


Currently I'm in the process of making the branch more user-friendly
so that you can try it in your own environment.  Basically what's
missing is a spec file and tools to generate conf.php and version.php.

Since we are only dealing with the frontend, the number of variable
substitutions is very limited so I don't think we need to have the
full blown autotool toolchain in the tree, so I was wondering if
anybody has any suggestions/thoughts on what to use...  should we just
write up a simple script to do sed on those files for variables such
as varstatedir, version, rel, package, etc.?

In case you wanted to try the code regardless, here's the SVN repo



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