Hi Joseph:

For future reference, this mailing-list is for developer discussions.
For general questions, please use the ganglia-general mailing-list:


On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 11:46 PM, Joseph <joseph....@sc.com> wrote:

> With this I have also installed gmond on 114 nodes separately. However, 92 of
> these nodes are able to establish connection with gmetad while the remaining 
> 22
> nodes have gone "MIA". gmond is definitely running but these 22 nodes just
> simply refused to connects up with the gmetad.
> The gmond config setting are all the same default setting used across all 
> nodes
> and the only thing I can guess of is perhaps the difference in the IP subnet?
> 92 nodes are on '10.192.64.XX' and '10.192.65.XX' whilst the others of the 22
> nodes are on '10.192.84.XX' and '10.192.85.XX'. If that is the case, may I 
> know
> what is the solution to this?

Chances are you need to enable multicast routing between the two
subnets in your router.

Alternatively, you can configure Ganglia using unicast.

Good luck.



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