So here are the replies that I received.

The following people would like to be authors/contributors to the book:

   - Michael Perzl - has given 25+ presentations on Ganglia and interested
   in writing. Focused on AIX and IBM Power systems
   - Alex Dean - has volunteered to write on the web frontend
   - Daniel Pocock - interested in writing on Ganglia in mixed
   environments, Ganglia in an enterprise, custom modules and packaging
   - Brad Nicholes - interested in writing
   - Peter Phaal - interested in writing on the sFlow functionality
   - Vladimir Vuksan - interested in writing (I assume on the web frontend)

The following people are interested in helping to review or translate the

   - Jesse Becker - volunteered to provide assistance, time permitting
   - Frederiko Costa - is interested in helping translate the book to
   Portuguese, if needed
   - Jeff Buchbinder - is interested in contributing

Have I missed anyone?  Have I miscategorized anyone's response?  Please let
me as soon as possible.  Writing is time-intensive so I want to know for
sure that I have the right people.


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