On 03/20/2012 06:19 PM, Daniel Pocock wrote:
> b) should Michael (or anyone else) need to modify Makefile.am from a
> tarball?  If there are regular changes to Makefile.am after releases are
> made, shouldn't we find a way to incorporate such changes into trunk, or
> provide more variables for people to set things at build time?

Let me explain my "motivation" to make changes to Makefile.am:

I am maintaining for AIX and Linux on Power a couple of additional gmond 
DSO modules written in C. As those are probably only useful for people 
running AIX (or Linux on Power) I don't see a generic way to incorporate 
such changes into trunk. In order to compile and package the gmond 
module I intentionally keep the release tar.gz unchanged, i.e., any 
module is represented by a large source code patch against the 
respective release tar.gz. This is also the "RPM-way" of doing things 
(i.e., keep the vanilla source unchanged and anything else should be 
provided as a source code patch).

So the patch for example for a metric called "mod_netif" adds or changes 
the following files/directories:


Now one needs to run "autoreconf -fi" to incorporate the applied patches 
and that the respective "Makefile.in" files are generated from the 
patched "Makefile.am" files.

I also keep separate SPEC files for all modules and have thus a clean 
separation of the original Ganglia release tar.gz files and my modules. 
In addition I can change the RPM "release" number independently of the 
core ganglia RPM release number which provides further flexibility.


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