Previous comments on this list (when the 3.3.2 release was proposed a 
few weeks ago) suggested that all wiki material should move to github

Consequently, I've just gone along with that and added my comments on 
release process and version numbers to the github wiki.

I actually think some of this stuff may belong in the repo rather than 
any of the wikis (because the release process for a particular version 
should be kept with that version)

If github is the consensus, then I would propose that content should be 
cut and pasted (whether it is obsolete or not) and then the old pages 
deleted/replaced with pointers to new pages

On 21/03/2012 14:47, Brad Nicholes wrote:
> All,
>      My comments on this subject probably have more to do with the overall 
> way that the Ganglia projects works rather than just versioning.  Right now 
> we have a wiki page that is hosted at SourceForge 
> ( which describes how the Ganglia 
> project used to work when the repository was SVN.  Now that things have moved 
> to Github and some of the people who were running the project at the time are 
> not as involved anymore (namely me :), it seems as though things are getting 
> a little confusing.  For example, the versioning rules for Ganglia releases 
> is also described on the sourceforge wiki 
> (  Although 
> in some ways it might be similar to what has been discussed recently, it is 
> different.  People who are trying to figure out how the Ganglia project works 
> will probably run across the older wiki page first (since it is still linked 
> to and then be confused by how version
>   is actually handled now.  Also, since the procedures and policies on the 
> older wiki page were modeled around SVN, the Git way of doing things 
> obviously makes a lot of the older wiki information obsolete.
>     I think it is important that the Ganglia project gits on the same (wiki) 
> page with regards to how the project works and what information the project 
> wants to provide to new users and developers (all puns intended ;-) .  
> Especially in light of the fact that many of us are working on the Ganglia 
> Monitoring book.  Hopefully once the book is released, it will generate more 
> interest in the Ganglia project and it would probably look bad if we had two 
> different wiki pages providing conflicting information.  Since I haven't been 
> as involved with the project especially since the source code was moved to 
> Git, is there someone who could review the SourceForge wiki page and 
> determine what information is still valid and which isn't?  At that point we 
> could decided whether to just update the SourceForge wiki or move it all to 
> Github wiki.
> Comments?
> Brad
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