I was having identical issues. I used your patch with the exception that I 
bumped up buffer size first to 10M from 1M you had. There was a massive 
improvement but still was seeing some drops so I just decided to bump it 
up to 30M and it's even better although I still see occasional drops.

To really see the effect you need to in addition to rcvbuffer track 


On Mon, 23 Apr 2012, Ramon Bastiaans wrote:

> Ah ok. Before you sent your email I had already created a small patch for 
> myself. It almost seems that APR ignores the OS settings (i.e.: 
> net.core.rmem_default) and creates a socket with it's own default (receive) 
> buffer size.
> Attached is a patch against 3.3.6 for lib/apr_net.c that stops the receive 
> buffers errors for me.
> The patch sets the buffer size a bit bigger, although I'm not sure what would 
> be a sensible size for gmond. I would think if you have a large cluster with 
> lots of UDP traffic you would need a bigger receive buffer than for smaller 
> systems.
> I will try out 3.3.7 and see what it's debug output says on buffer size's.

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