Hi there,

I recently set up a server that hosts both Ganglia 3.5,  Graphite 0.9.10,
RRDTool 1.4.7 with RRDCACHED enabled and configured. Then I set up the
integration between Ganglia and Graphite by setting the carbon_server,
carbon_port and prefix in gmetad conf file.

Configured the heartbeat for each cluster to happen every 60 seconds. The
first RRA is configured such that it keep data every 60 seconds for a week.

Since this server is only for monitoring and we have tons of metrics for
each server I modified the Carbon conf file to have the following:



Whisper retention is configured such that it matches Ganglia.

Once the services were started I found that:

1) All RRD files got created for the clusters and servers.  At this point
the server is monitoring 5 clusters and in total 94 servers and roughly 500
metrics per server.

2) Fetching the data from RRDs show that gmetad is able to update every
single RRD on time and the data points are there every 1 min.

3) All metrics are appropriately created in Graphite.

4) Noticed that Graphite metrics are not updated as often as RRDs.  The
updates to metrics seem to happen sporadically.  Sometimes one metric is
updated every 2mins other times it wouldn't get updated for another 6 mins.
I haven't seen the metric get updated every 1 min as per RRD retention

I confirmed this by doing a fetch on both whisper and RRDs. doing a tail on
Graphite's update log I can see tons of updates going through .. but maybe
its just not fast enough??
I don't see any errors in /var/log/messages.

any help would be really appreciated!

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