Unfortunately units for disk are GB so 1.4k GB is 1.4 Terabytes. This was unfortunate decision however changing the units to Bytes and using rrdtools scaling will introduce inconsistencies with older client versions.


On Thu, 9 May 2013, Valter Silva wrote:

I'm using Ganglia and RRDTool to show charts in a web page. Everything is fine, 
but for some machines the graphs about DISK are with some kind
of bug. Here is how they look in some machines (both machine are in the same 

This one is correct, about the disk space:


But this one is alway showing 1.4Kb of disk space. Which is incorrect. How can 
I fix this ? Any idea ? I already uninstall it and install it
many times, but it doesn't seem to fix the problem.


I also create a post in StackOverFlow for the same issue.
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