On 08/01/2013 11:37 AM, Adrian Sevcenco wrote:
> Hi! I would need a clarification about the gmond cluster name:
> it is not clear to me if:
i will answer myself :)
the reported metrics (xml format) by a gmond are wrapped by a CLUSTER
tag  ... so there is no way to make a network of gmonds that gathers
data toward one (or more) central gmond which will pass data to a gmetad.

So, my question now is :
Is it possible/useful/value adding to have the cluster name as a
envelope for a metric (or metric collection)?
With the end results that a gmetad take a large flow of reports and
split the metrics by cluster name and writes the metric down in the
coresponding place?

Also : because a gmond can be used to inject metric from snmp devices
(and a datacenter have a lots of those - so it could be something
useful) can be done something like localhost_mute = no (default)/yes ?

Thank you!

P.S. sorry for cross-posting but i try to maximize the cross-section for
a larger audience.

> 1. the cluster name is a tag for the machine in order to be classified
> by that tag (so its a per host tag and an aggregator gmond pass that tag
> (packed with the metrics of that host) to gmetad which order the hosts
> based on tag)
> 2. it is a name that is given to group of metrics that are aggregated by
> that gmond.
> Thanks!
> Adrian
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Adrian Sevcenco, Ph.D.                       |
Institute of Space Science - ISS, Romania    |
adrian.sevcenco at {cern.ch,spacescience.ro} |

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